Monday, September 30, 2019
The Birth of Pleasure by Carol Gilligan
Carol Gilligan Birth of Pleasure can be considered a research in social science. She has hypothesised certain theories regarding men and women behaviour. One of her main hypothesis is that women are different from men in various ways; she argues that female have a higher level of morality that cements the relation among sexes. At times she seems a feminist who is playing for female audience. She overcomes the limitation as the book flows.For example she starts the human life story from a child perspective that is â€Å"under father’s authority†(Pg 5). She mentions that in patriarchy society there are different ways of dealing with boys and girl. For example boys are forced to learn and be disciplined at a young age compared to female. Female are forced to learn from age 13 and above at puberty. The reason for such approach; she argues is the utility of women. In a patriarchal society, women become important when they become fertile; before fertility they have no existe nce.However the problem arises when a child becomes adult and he has to unlearn the older behaviour. Sometimes it is hard to undo the learned behaviour; deep inside sometimes adults feel guilty, if they do not follow the behaviour they have been taught in childhood. Gilligan does not argue in straight forward manner about the theme patriarchy in teenagers life, but the book overall covers the relationship between children and parents as pathologies.For example she mentions that boys have two choices; either becomes good boy or bad boy; either by following the parent’s instructions or negating them to create their own social identities. The problem with such approach is that boys cannot form their own identities with reference to their true self. For girls the process began at much later stage when they approach the puberty. She insists that girls are forced by mothers to follow their footsteps and behave according to the established norms of the society.This situation gives r ise to conflict and breaking of the bond that exists between parents and children. She insists that love is based on democracy; while the patriarchy is based on hierarchy of men and women. The result of such hierarchy is patriarchy; where individuals find pain in love rather than pleasure due to the inherent conflict (in these relations). She suggests that it is possible to find pleasure with in the social norms, if couples overcome their limited roles and try to unlearn the behaviour childhood behaviour.Gilligan has taken ideas from various sources, but she is able to develop her own ideas by studying life of children and couples including her own experience of life spiced with various Western myths and legends; such as Psyche and Cupid. She successfully weaves different pieces together to form one narrative immersing reader in interesting stories with one common theme. The positive effect of this style is that reader finds new interpretations about the stories and myths he is fami liar with.Gilligan sometimes seems to speak in a mystical language, when she declares that the yoke of Western love stories is made of tragedy because of the presence of patriarchy; where male justify their authority by trampling true feelings of women. Her idea of democracy of love seems un-restricted by social norms; such idea seems far from practical. All societies need to survive; the hierarchy allows a society to survive which may look cruel at time but this is how civilization are made from. Reference Gilligan, Carol (2002). The Birth of Pleasure. Random House.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Do humans have the obligation to help others?
It can also be a response to those who are in need or just a moral issue that we as humans try to make whenever we can. One of the reasons is that we help others because we can not bear to see a person in terrible condition, having a hard time, being physically or psychologically abused, do nothing.These and other everyday situations that come our hearts lead us to help those in need, makes us care for others, something that shows us that not everything in the world is money, fame and selfishness, is also love, mercy , generosity and courage †¦Being kind to someone who needs help is a basic human necessity. If someone needs help, for whatever reason, it is up to other individuals to intercede and help. Morally obligated may be a stretch, but when someone needs help there shouldn't be second thoughts about what to do. Whether someone needs a door held open or someone is drowning, helps should always be on the way.Most of the time, helping someone is a feeling that comes from the bottom of your heart, a feeling that is generally stronger when the person who needs help is a friend or relative, by matters of the heart. However, we will always see people totally unknown in distress, asking for help, and that's when this feeling†¦ with some justice, courage and other feelings or values that I can not think right now, come together to make the decision to help a person sometimes regardless of the situation or circumstances †¦Help when you can†¦ Humans we ´ll never live independently from a society. At some point, anyone depend on another human being for help. We do not know exactly when we need help, or who help us. Therefore, it is better to help a needy person, because maybe in the future you need it, otherwise it would be a little unfair to get help all the time and then ignore the problems of others, just because you do not care what happens to them as they do not affect you, help others to help yourself†¦
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the functional organisation Essay
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the functional organisation and the cross-functional project-based organisation (PBO) in CoPS - Essay Example 1 The first aim of the paper is to elaborate by defining the various aspects of the contents of the paper i.e. it will start by defining CoPSs and their importance to the company. This paper will also dwell on the weaknesses and strengths each form of organisation impacts on the productions of CoPS in the company. Specific emphasis will be the differences in the weaknesses and strengths of project-based organisations and functional organisation structures of the same company. Whether the differences can be rectified or not will be the judgement of the company. The key challenges of project-based organisations (PBOs) with reference to their need in the CoPS manufacturing will also be looked into. The paper will also identify the types and kinds of PBOs and CoPS respectively. This will help in clearly structuring the kind of strengths and weaknesses each will impact on the performance of the company. Most of the sections of the paper are outlined to match the topics with the expected challenges that will be encountered while adopting the specific organisational structures Finally, it will outline the relationships between project-based organisations, the functional organisations and the CoPS in terms of their production and quality assessment. Another aim of this paper will be to outline the features of project-based organisations with relevance to the company. The internal coordination will also be looked into with a view to clearly differentiate the two forms of organisations. It will also define and elaborate cross-functional project-based organisations and their internal organisations2. According to Hobday, Complex Products and Systems (CoPS) are engineering-intensive, high value capital goods. (Hobday, 1998) CoPS are usually made in small batches as a result of their investment project, high costs, composition and physical scale. Contemporarily, all CoPS are
Friday, September 27, 2019
Organizational Conflicts of Interest In Contracts Management Dissertation
Organizational Conflicts of Interest In Contracts Management - Dissertation Example I am going to focus on the four instances that tend to create organization conflict of interest in contract management process and how the OCI regulation helps contract officers to handle them. I will also include research questions and a problem statement on the topic that will give readers more understanding on what I am talking about. Problem statement The goal of this research paper is to come up with a good solution to solve the problem of organizational conflicts of interest in the process of contract management process. Organizations need to make sure that the process of giving out contracts is free and fair and that the best qualified for the job gets it (Friedberg 1999). Anyone with any other interests should not get the job at any cost. The main reason why organizations are facing this problem and making it so rampant in the contract management process is because organizations lack proper guidelines that can prevent this. Organizations also have contract management officers who lack integrity and the knowledge of how to curb this vice (Lo et al 2000). The people seeking these contracts also play a major role in this process these are the contractors who try to find illegal ways to get the jobs or have other interests in the organization apart from the job itself. If organizations do not find ways to avoid this, then most contracts will never be up to the required standards of the organization and also the government standards. It is important that organizations make sure there are regulations to be followed in any contract management process (Marilyn 2009). The government should also make sure the regulations they have come up with are stricktly followed by the organizations and their contract officers. Research questions 1. Why Organizational Conflicts of Interest exist in Contracts Management? 2. Who are the people involved in this conflict of interest in contract management? 3. What makes these people have these conflicts of interest in the contrac t process? 4. How can the organizations and the government solve this problem? We need to know that organizational conflict of interests can result due to several factors. A potential conflict of interest is created by these aspects on an available contract; this makes the nature of the work to be performed on the contract to create an actual conflict of interest on the contract management process (Friedman 2002). The conflict here comes up because of a future acquisition. What are the two main situations in which organizational conflict of interest may occur in the contract management process? The first situation is when a contractor is probably unable to give unbiased assistance or advice to the organization offering the contract. Here we clearly see that the contractor interests are conflicting with how he is giving the organization assistance on how the contract will be handled or any other imperative information. Subsequently organizational conflict of interests may occur in co ntract management process is when a contractor has an inequitable competitive advantage for a contract that is available. (Nelson 2002) In the organizational conflict of interests embody two underlying concerns that define organizations conflict of inte
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Naming rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Naming rights - Essay Example Different Business enterprises like those concerned with the manufacturing of sports goods, sports wear, watches and soft drinks might be potential sponsors. Sports brands offer a lucrative market as according to sources: ‘Marketing professionals around the world recognize the power of sports brands and content as a consumer draw. As Associate General Manager I would select companies like Nike, Reebok and a firm like Uni Lever as sponsors. These are firms which are promoting products that are environmental friendly and promote health.I would then explain the respective co operates firm the advantages of investing in our project-To build a new stadium. In addition to the core benefits, media exposure, signage, and customer respect there are other benefits as well. In Greene’s opinion naming rights play two important roles: ’First, in supporting larger finance packages with other revenue streams and second, as a single source of finance’. Our Mission statemen t is to boost sport oriented activities. Sports not only encourage healthy bodies but healthy minds as well. The creation of sports man spirit encourages healthy competition. Negative feelings like jealousy and sorrow would be eliminated from society.In order to ensure that the stakeholder brand maintains our image, we shall audit the brand owner’s strategies ...
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Person's Prior Experiences And Formulating Ideas Essay
Person's Prior Experiences And Formulating Ideas - Essay Example By associating prior experiences with what formulates ideas, Hume assumes that people only can formulate thoughts and ideas based only on the association. This undercuts that mindset by creating the assumption that new experiences cannot also change human thinking and behavior. He assumes that people are already predetermining concepts based on prior experiences rather than learning from new experiences. He states that man is a reasonable being and goes on to say that the â€Å"bounds of human understanding, that little satisfaction can be hoped for in this particular, either from the extent of security or his acquisitions,†(Hume 7) which is again a cut to humans as if that during his analysis that his thought is the only method of thinking but yet he cannot even explain why he is thinking and reasoning this way. Some of the ideas that Hume maintains is that people are unable to justify any inferences that are causal and are based only on unobserved causes. Through past observations, Hume expects for the human mind to only be able to work in a one-way direction. If a person knows one thing is certain than if a similar experience arises, then that person would expect the same outcome. This is not necessarily true because people can, in fact, learn from prior experiences and react differently. This would insinuate that anything that a person has done in the past would cause them to have the same reaction to a similar situation. However, it seems that many people often learn from prior mistakes and do in fact react differently on some occasions based on their prior experiences too. Hume states that He hints that people have certain reactions based only on prior reasoning and that those scenarios lead people to create a truth that is based only on that single instance. Judgment and morals are based only on those circumstances.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Review of 1970s Art Through the Works of Valerie Jaudon Essay
Review of 1970s Art Through the Works of Valerie Jaudon - Essay Example This paper will examine the works of Valerie Jaudon from the 1970s and what his influence was on that particular time period. Avalon This first work which will be looked at is called Avalon. Avalon was created in 1976 with oil and aluminum on a canvas that is 76 inches by 108 inches. This works uses a pattern which has black shapes outlined in white. This simplification of colors brings about a balance to the works that leans towards darkness in the hue with bright spots illuminating the shapes in the pattern of angles, waves, circles, and rectangles. The waves make it look as though they continue throughout the landscape of the painting. The craftsmanship of this painting is well done, where you cannot see the aluminum on the paper but how it is used to hold the pigment of the oil onto the canvas. Also, the contrast between the colors allows us to see how the patterns used goes in and out of each other and how they overlap, as well. His economy is well done, just using the basic col ors and shapes with a focal point right in the middle of the painting where two diagonal shapes meet. The gestalt of the work is how the pattern gives it depth instead seeming to be just individual shapes and colors. The grid on this painting allows the artist to keep his shapes evenly spaced from one side to another. The implied lies are the ones that allow the Jaudon to show his shapes and patterns overall. Everything within the design of his painting Avalon are completely in portion form the radial balance going outward from the circles within the painting to the rhythm of the piece which gives a nice even flow from side to side. Furthermore, there are many shapes within the painting that are similar to one another but not identically the same on this very symmetrically balanced piece. There is probably some overall texture to this painting, it is an oil painting after all, but the visual texture reminds me of a very well planned wicker type design to the piece which brings a uni ty and harmony to the piece. Minter City A year later, she created a square piece on a 72 inch by 72 inch piece of canvas using oil and metallic pigment called Minter City. From first look at this painting with its burnt sienna hue, one can see that there is a definite radial balance within the symmetrical piece. The balance in this piece is easily seen as the design seems to hold a continuation of the same elements throughout the piece. Furthermore, the continuity of Minter City goes from the central focal point to the edges, but there is more continuity which comes from the four corners of the work and diagonally meets in the center of the piece. The exacting craftsmanship is shown in Jaudon’s piece as she shows us how meticulously laid out the abstract design. Furthermore, the gestalt of the piece shows an exacting unity amongst the flow of the rhythm and the basic economy of the design, which shows a minimalist approach to the overall value of the non-objective design. Mo und Bayou This painting by Valerie Jaudon is the same size as Minter City and created with the same basic materials. However, that is where the similarities end between the two pieces. Mound Bayou definitely has a focal point in the middle of the painting. But, this painting seems to have a couple of rather complex rhythms running through the piece. Not only is there a radially balanced rhythm to the piece but there is another rhythm with the underlying crisscrossing diagonal lines, along with the interlocking chain of circles which seem to go right through the middle of the piece. You can easily see the continuation created by the various shapes throughout the piece. And the contrast between the sharp edges of the diagonal lines and the soft lines of the rounded shapes gives
Monday, September 23, 2019
Caribean Ensemble Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Caribean Ensemble - Essay Example Choosing only one student performance within the group, it is possible to show bright interactions between this popular/classical theme and the history of music, cultural backgrounds, instrumental history, where all factors help to get a deeper understanding of --- at first sight --- famous and well-known composition. These interactions will find out the deeper layer of these compositions' reasoning, definitely. Additionally, except the aforesaid ones, there also were such as: 'Take 5: Dave Brubeck;' 'Tomorrow: Annie (The Musical);' 'Oye Como Va: Tito Puente;' 'Footsteps: Machel Montano;' 'Rolling the Deep: Adele and Paul Epworth;' 'I'll be There: Berry Gordy, Bob West, Hal Davis, and Willie Hutch;' 'Under the Sea: The Little Mermaid;' 'Oh, What a Night: The Four Seasons;' 'Hungarian Dance: Johannes Brahms;' 'No One: Alicia Keys;' 'Habanera from 'Carmen:' George Bizet;' 'One Note Samba: Antonio Carlos Jobim.' As we could see, the program of the World Festival, 2013, was so ambitious that every single should be regarded as a 'special event' in it. G1/4. I Shot the Sheriff: Bob Marley 'I Shot the Sheriff: Bob Marley' belonged to the first group of the Carribean Ensemble at York University. ... Having had many subgenres --- early reggae, roots reggae, dub, etcetera, --- this genre exploited drums (for example, snare drum and tom-tom drum), bass, guitars, keyboards, horns, and vocals. (We will evaluate all these items within Marley and The Wailers' song and its student interpretation.) From the perspective of music theory, reggae had 'lower tempo' than ska and rocksteady. (Bradley, 2000, p. 41) Accordingly, it could be characterized by the 'offbeat rhythms', (Barrow, 2004, p. 21) and by a prominent fact that reggae was played in '4/4 time.' (Manuel, 2006, 11) Harmonically, it used 'simple chord progressions;' (Barrow, 2004, p. 23) furthermore, its 'rhythmic pattern accents the second and fourth beats in each bar,' with the drumer's 'emphasis on beat three.' (Manuel, 2006, p. 12) First of all, 'I shot the Sheriff' was a social-oriended song about sheriff's (not deputy's) murder, which was made from the narrator's face. In the composition it could be heard synthesizer, The Wai lers' horus, bass, drums, guitar, and leading vocal. It used offbeat rhythms, 4/4, lower tempo, and simple chord progressions; second and fourth beats have been emphasized in each bar, with the drumer's accent on beat three. These means of musical expression, along with the offset and syncopated rhythm-section, producted relaxive, but ideologically very intensive, reggae hit. Moreover, aforesaid suggestions on reggae music and particularly on current musical form should be applied to the student performance. Therefore, it could be stated that the very motif was maintained successfully, overall tempo was lower, than in ska and rocksteady; there was constant reggae offbeat, 4/4. From the other point, students were not always in the right time-space presence of the current
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Migration, Immigration, and Emigration, and their Effects on Religion, Research Paper
Migration, Immigration, and Emigration, and their Effects on Religion, Women, and Minorities in the Developing World - Research Paper Example The Paper Egypt serves as one of the most influential and prosperous countries of the entire African continent. Her splendid geographical position, magnificent historical background, rich cultural heritage, sound economic structure and imperative political role in the strategic affairs of the region have earned a distinguished and respectable place for her in the international arena. Being a commercial hub and a significant trade junction, people arrive here from all parts of the continent in order to establish their business and get involved into the activities related to trade and commerce on the one hand, and in search of job and employment on the other. The most important aspect of the country is her geographical location, as Egypt is situated at the junction of three continents including Asia, Europe and Africa. At one side, she appears to be the leader of Africa community, and on the other side, Egypt looks engaged in presenting the case of the Middle East problems. Similarly, she also represents the Islamic world at different occasions, which proves her significance as the representative of several most important regional, religious and political communities of the world. It is therefore, the Egyptian people have developed social and commercial ties with the Asian and European traders, corporate firms and companies. â€Å"Occupying a focal geographic bridge linking Africa and Asia, contemporary Egypt is the inheritor of a civilization dating back more than 6,000 years. Egypt’s strategic location has made it the object of numerous conquests: by the Ptolemies, Romans, Greeks, Arabs, Fatimids, Mamluks, Ottomans, and Napoleon Bonaparte. (Platan & Teal, 2001:1) Though, divergent invaders entered Egypt and subjugated her population by capturing the land, wealth and resources of this ancient civilization, yet the country maintained its identity and distinction as the independent state of the world. It is mistakenly viewed that several ethno-racial group s live in Egypt; however, an overwhelming majority of the masses is Egyptian by race. Egypt has not been famous in history for his magnificent emperors and pharaohs of ancient eras only; rather, the architecture of ancient Egypt also makes it a remarkable society of ancient world. The Egyptian pyramids are included in the Seven Wonders existing on the face of the earth. Besides, her strong economy and established infrastructure have also turned the country an attractive place particularly for the people, belonging to southern, central and western parts of the continent, who arrive Egypt in the same manner as the masses from developed Middle East and Far Eastern countries proceed to Europe in search of superior living standard and career jobs as well. Thus, Egypt is one of the most migrated countries of Africa, where perhaps few countries including South Africa, Nigeria and others surpass her in the area of migration into the country. However, the Egyptians have developed popular tre nd of immigration to the southern Europe and the Middle East states particularly Brunei and the UAE. Actually, immigration to Egypt has religious background too, where in ancient time Prophet Joseph was forced to migrate as a child by his brothers, who had thrown him into a well. However, the entire House
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Separation of a mixture of solids Essay Example for Free
Separation of a mixture of solids Essay A. How did your proposed procedures or flow charts at the beginning of this experiment compare to the actual procedures of this lab exercise? When I began filling out my flow chart, I was slightly confused on how the actual experiment was supposed to work. After watching the separation and a few times trying some steps I understood the experiment. B.Discuss potential advantages or disadvantages of your proposed procedure compared to the one actually used. The filtered item with the paper took longer than expected to dry and I actually still had some wet particles on my paper. When performing these steps without direct supervision it can be hard to make sure you are doing things correctly. There could be many errors with measurement and all of the mixture could not be separated. C.How would you explain a sand recovery percentage that is higher than the original sand percentage? To explain this I would say that not all of the other mixtures were actually separated from the sand. D.What were potential sources of error in this experiment? The potential sources of error were in the weighing of the item and in whether or not the item was all the way dry or filtered. Final Conclusion: (Summarize the most important findings and what you learned from this lab) I learned that through various procedures, different pieces of mixtures can be separated and that each has its own distinct properties. If I were to simply look at a mixture I would not know that all of the items could be separated into their own category.
Friday, September 20, 2019
An Analysis of Such a Long Journey by Rohinton Mistry
An Analysis of Such a Long Journey by Rohinton Mistry AN EXPLORATION OF SOCIO- POLITICAL CONCERNS IN ROHINTON MISTRYS SUCH A LONG JOURNEY Abstract Social, political, and historical event continue to be a significant theme adopted by various writers throughout the world to reveal the situations that occurred in the past and continue till date. Contemporary Indian writers use these themes to reflect the impact of events and its effect on the ordinary people. They mainly focus on socio-political issues like war, violence, displaced communities, and marginalization. Rohinton Mistry is one among these writers whose works reflect the contemporary social and political life of the parsi community. Nostalgia, alienation, diaspora, politics and marginalization form the basic tenet of Rohinton Mistrys novels. Such a Long Journey is one of the important works by Mistry which explore the various aspects of India like culture, community, administration, society, life, and faith of the Parsi community. Mistry, re-portrays the historical backdrop of this group and nation as it has been in the post-independence period. This paper attempts to an alyze the experience, anguish, and the nostalgic feeling of the Parsi community in India even after the independence. Keywords: Nostalgia, diaspora, alienation and politics Introduction Parsis are the small group of people described as an ethno-religious minority who are the faithful followers of Zoroastrianism. These minority people are separated from Iran to avoid forced conversion into Islam community. Finally, they came to India and got settled and practiced their faith. India is like a heaven for them but they are subjected to marginalization. Parsis writing illustrates the life and experiences of the past and present-dayParsis in India. Being the minority community, the Parsis feel insecured, alienated, nostalgic and feel threatened by the dominant Hindu culture. These are also major themes in Parsis literature. According to N.S Dharan, post-independent Parsi writing in English is ethnocentric, culture-specific and community oriented (7).Many writers are inclined to write about the contemporary political condition of the nation and their community especially about the Parsi community who merely struggles under the governments hegemony. Bapsi Sidhwa, Firdaus Kanga, Boman Desai are well-known Parsi writers whose works reflect the contemporary socio-political issues faced by the Parsi community. Rohinton Mistry is one among these writers. He is of Indian origin and belongs to Parsi community. Mistry developed as a significant and notable literary figure during the contemporary periods. He was an Indo-Canadian novelist and short story writer. He was born in 1952 in Bombay and immigrated to Canada in 1975. He studied English and Philosophy as a part-time scholar at the University of Toronto. His notable fictional works are Such a Long Journey (1991), A Fine Balance (1995), and Family Matter (2002) and non-fictions are Tales from Firozsha Baag (1987), Searching for Stevenson (1994), and The scream (2006). His works are intact with the major themes like religion, community, politics, human relationship, diaspora, alienation, nostalgia, and homelessness. Such a Long Journey His first novel, Such a Long Journey portrays the common lifestyle and anxieties of the Parsi community during post-Independent India, it also explores the social, political, and cultural chaos during the early sixties and seventies. The title of the novel, Such a Long Journey has been taken from the poem The Journey of the magi by T.S. Eliot. A cold coming we had of it, Just the worst time of the year For a journey, and such a long journey. (qtd in Mistry i) Eliots poem is extremely emblematic. The journey of the three wise man who wants to visit the birthplace of Jesus Christ undertakes a hazardous journey and overcome many problems and difficulties in life. Similarly, this novel is also symbolic representing the long journey of the Gustard Noble who overcomes many ups and downs in his life. The novel is set in Bombay against the milieu of the Indo-Pakistan war in 1971 which gave raise to new independent country, Bangladesh. It also deals with the major political issues like corruption, domination, and unlawful government. The novel has won many awards like Governor Generals Award, the commonwealth writers prize for the best manuscript and has also shortlisted for the Prestigious Booker Prize. Such a Long Journey is one of the remarkable and best works by Rohinton Mistry which portrays the realistic conditions and political history of the Indian society especially the life of the Parsi community before and after independence. Mistry has well studied the history, social and political condition of India during his stay in Bombay and has adapted it in the novel, which is interesting and traditionally significant. Jasbir Jain says that, Rohinton Mistrys work raises a whole lot of other questions specifically related to the homeland and political memory. Neither nostalgia nor memory in itself can account for this rootedness and preoccupation with the homeland and the environment boundaries of the city of birth. (qtd in Dhodiya 42) Such a Long Journey is an imaginative story which explores the life and anguish of the middle-class Parsi people. Amrijit Singh says, Such a Long Journey is the story of Gustad Noble, the little man who holds on to his dignity, strength, and humanity in a sweltering tide of disappointment, confusion, betrayal and corruption (214). The author describes the pitiable circumstances and the melancholic story of Gustad Noble, who is the protagonist of the novel. He belongs to the middle-class Parsi community, who worked as a clerk in a bank. Being a clerk, he has to face many problems in life. He was a dedicated family man, works very hard to uphold his familys financial situation. Noble was a father of three children, elder son Sohrab, youngest son Darius and Roshan, his daughter. He lived in the Khodadad building with his family where most of the Parsis reside. Major Jimmy Bilimoria and Dinshawji are the faithful friends of him who also lived along with the Noble family in the Khodadad b uilding. Parsi communities are shaken by the rise of Shiv Sena in Bombay, the party promises to give job for the middle-class people. The party is against the South Indian immigrants, typically immigrants from Tamil Nadu especially the job seekers. The party Shiv Sena in the novel is despised by the Parsi people as the supporters of the Shiv Sena ill-treated the individuals of the Parsi community as a Parsi crow-eaters. Furthermore offending the communitys funeral cremations, Dinshawji and Gustadare frightened that the Parsis might become second-class citizens in the future. Gustad says, No future for minorities, with all these fascist Shiv Sena politics and Marathi language nonsense. It was going to be like the black people in America-twice as good as the white man to get half as much(SLJ 7). The novel charmingly reveals the certain political conflicts which affected the life of ordinary middle-class people. Dr. Paymaster says, Our beloved country is a patient with disease at an advanced stage. Dressing the wound or sprinkling rose-water over it to hide the smell of decaying tissue is useless. Fine words and promises will not cure the patient. The decaying part must be removed. You see, the municipal corruption is merely the bad smell, which will disappear as soon as the decaying government at the Centre is removed. (SLJ 313) The above quote describes the present political condition of India. Government is the only root cause of all the troubles and problems which occurs in India. Such problematic people should be thrown out of the country. Gustad Nobles hallucinations and ambitions are quite ambiguous. Many uncertain events have taken place in Nobles life. Firstly, his friend Major Jimmy who is a gentleman and also philosopher to him, suddenly disappears from the Khodadad building. Secondly, his son Sohrab refuses to register as a scholar in IIT where he got the admission. Noble has a great hope for his son Sohrabs future and wants to reclaim his familys lost prosperity. But his dreams are spoiled and he loses his hope on him. Moreover, Sohrabs unpleasant behavior during his sisters birthday was unbelievable which shocked Noble and he wanted to know the reason behind his unacceptable behavior. Sohrab replies: Its not suddenly. Im sick and tired of IIT, IIT, IIT all the time. Im not interested in it, Im n ot a jolly good fellow about it, and Im not going there. (SLJ 48) Sohrab discloses his wish to study Arts programme with his friends. Gustadwas unable to control his anger in front of his wife Dilnavaz, who herself was stumped, wants him to be quite. Noble says it is his obligation to look after his sons future. Gustad fears that there is no life and occupation for the minorities in Bombay mainly due to unlawful government. Dinshawji reminds the good old days of the parsis: What fun we used to haveà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.parsis were the kings of banking in those days. Such respect we used to get. Now the whole atmosphere only has been spoiled. Ever since that Indira nationalized the banks.(SLJ 38). Noble being an ordinary middle-class man had to face many trials in life. For example, the mysterious parcel which he had received from his friend Major Jimmy, slowly pulled him into a government deception including threats, corruption, and robbery which turns his life into a great tragedy. The mysterious parcel that contained ten lakh rupees invited a lot of trouble which puts him in addition to the existing problem. Moreover, the outside wall of the khodadad building that is considered as the sacred wall and security for his family is demolished by the government as a means of extending the road. These untoward incidents affects Noble so much that he feels frustrated and alienated. The wall is symbolic of the Parsi community. Once it is destroyed, Noble feels that the security of the Parsi community is under threat. Nilufer Bharucha says that the wall both includes and excludes. It is protective as well as reductive. It protects theParsee community from the ingressof the engulfing Indian world. However, it also makes this world isolationist (123). The problems multiplied when Noble found that his friend Major Jimmy Bilimoria was arrested. He is one of his close friends and also like a second father to Nobles children. He utters about his difficulties and Indias political situation during the tenure of Indira Gandhi as the prime minister. Major Jimmy was instructed through the phone by the PM Indira Gandhi to withdraw the sum of 60 lakh rupees from the SBI bank on the emergency basis. Later, police found that it was illegal money and PM refuses to accept that she was directly involved in the money scandal. Major Jimmy was arrested and tortured by the police. He was imprisoned for four years. Finally, he becomes bedridden and died due to heart attack before the period of his imprisonment gets over. This pitiable condition of the Major in the novel is very painful. Mistry beautifully describes the sorrowful situation of the Parsi people through Major Jimmy: On the bed lay nothing more than a shadow. The shadow of the powerfully built army man who once lived in Khodadad building. His hairline had receded, and sunken cheeks made the bones jut sharp and grotesque. The regal handlebar mustache was no more. His eyes had disappeared within their sockets. The neck, what he could see of it, was as scrawny as poor behest Dinshawjis while under the sheet there seemed barely a trace of those strong shoulders and deep chest which Gustard and Dilnavaz used to point out as a good example to their sons, reminding them always to walk erect, with chest out and stomach in, like Major Uncle. (SLJ 267) When Gustard returns from the funeral of Major Jimmy, Dilnavaz asks her son to speak to his father. But Sohrab refuses to speak to his father because he says to his mother about the fathers reaction towards him: its no use. I spoilt all his dreams, he is not interested in me anymore. (SLJ 321).The family is disintegrated due to politics. The distress of the Parsi community is well portrayed in Such a Long Journey. The inhabitants of Khodadad building represents the unity among the Parsi community. Mistry hints that when that wall is destroyed the community collapses. Mani Meitei notices that: though Mistry is highly imbued with an original writers imagination in the development of a flawless story in Such a Long Journey, his awareness of the contemporary social and political situation of India, particularly the period of the 1971 Indo-Pak war, is extremely exciting. As a realist, he wields the weapon of satire, which makes him a ruthless artist, a harsh political satirist and a devout critic of war. (9) Mistry portrays the agony of Parsi community during the reign of Indira Gandhi. The Parsi community stands as a marginalized minority community. Their sense of displacement is perfectly picturized by Mistry thus: Tell me what happens to my life, Rubbed out, just like that? Tell me (SLJ 74). Not only Gustad is affected but also the whole community which lives in the Khodadad building suffers. Gustad tries to bring in unity among the Hindus and the Parsis, but gets deeply hurt when the building collapses. His enthusiasm, thoughts, and desires was destroyed. Firstly, unexpected departure of major Billimoria from the Khodadad building. Secondly, his daughter Roshans illness, thirdly, Sohrabs disloyalty and finally tragic death of his friends makes him to suffer more. In addition to this, the Khodadad building collapses. Mistry stoically says it was becoming too much to bear, Roshans sickness, Jimmys treachery, Dinshawji stupidity, sohrabs betrayal, nothing but worry and sorrow and disapp ointment piling up around him, walling him in, and threatening to crush him. He moved his massaging hand from the forehead to his nape and closed his eyes (SLJ 177). All these incidences falls as a blow on Gustad head. Gustad makes a journey which is full of up and downs. Conclusion The novel clearly explores the socio-political issues which affect the lives of the characters and also the anxieties about their future as minority people. Mistry has effectively intertwined components of Parsi society and religion in his writing. It signifies different classes, professions, caste, and daily lives of the common parsi people in a unique way. He utilize his writing as a weapon against the exploiters and giving the reader information about the political exploitation and its consequence on the common middle-class people. In one of the interviews conducted by Ali Lakhani, Mistry says that a new country is revealed with its wonders, life isà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..a journey without destination. Sort of like a wall that goes on and on with pictures (1-2).Such a Long Journey thus beautifully reveals the huge picture of the Parsi community in India. Works Cited Bharucha, Nilufer.Rohinton Mistry: Ethnic Enclosures and Transcultural Spaces, Jaipur and New Delhi: Rawat Publications, 2003. Dharan, N.S. Ethnic Atrophy Syndrome in Rohinton Mistrys Fiction. Parsi Fiction Vol 2. ed. by Kapadia, Novy. New Delhi. 2004. Dodiya, Jaydipsinh. Perspectives on the Novels of Rohinton Mistry, New Delhi: Sarup Sons, 2006. Print. Meitei, Mani M.-Such A Long Journey and its Critical Acclaim The Fiction of Rohinton Mistry: Critical Studies, ed. Jaydipsinh Dodiya. New Delhi: Sarup and Sons, 2005. Mistry, Rohinton. Such a Long Journey. New York: Faber and Faber Ltd, 1991. Print. Singh, Amrijit. Rohinton Mistry(1952- ). Writers of Indian Diaspora,A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Source. ed. Nelson Emmanuel. Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1993. Lakhani, Ali The Long Journey of Rohinton Mistry. Interview at the Vancouver International Writers Festival. Canadian Fiction Magazine.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Haunting of Mind :: The Haunting of Mind Essays
The Haunting of Mind The ghosts made their presence known at 9:36 p.m. the first evening. Later in life, when Rachel Fleischman thought back on the events at the house, she marveled that the exact time was so firmly set in her mind. She wasn't wearing a watch, and didn't recall asking anyone else the time. She remembered, almost as if the presences told her, wanting her to remember for their sake, and for the sake of posterity. The four of them sat around the table in the kitchen of the haunted house. Rachel sat in her own chair while Julie sat in Mark's lap. Brandon remained standing, leaning against an empty chair from behind. Mark's diary was open on the table and reached around Julie's body to record his first entry. He read aloud as he wrote. "Evening One: We have experienced no unusual events so far. Paranormal residents have not attempted to make contact. Morale is still high. Maybe our luck will increase later this evening." Brandon smiled at him. "We have almost three hours 'till midnight. Something might happen yet." Julie's arm was wrapped behind Mark's neck and her hand played distractedly with his dark, curly hair. "Happen? Like what? You really think dishes will start flying around and the furniture will rearrange itself? Come on." Brandon shrugged. His brown eyes were noncommittal. "I'm not saying anything, just that we shouldn't jump to conclusions." He began drumming his fingers on the back of the chair. "I hate feeling . . . anxious like this, like I'm waiting to see what I got for Christmas." Rachel nodded. "Or waiting to see what grades you received in Chemistry." Julie groaned. "Please don't mention homework." Rachel and the others laughed. Mark's eyes glinted. "Why don't we give the ghosts a call?" He looked at the others with a mischievous grin. Julie rolled her eyes. She immediately took her hand away from Mark's hair and got up off the chair. She turned to face Mark with both hands on her hips. "You brought a Ouija board, didn't you? Even after Mr. Olson told you not to bring it?" Mark simply laughed. "Are you ever going to grow up?" Julie asked, almost pleading. "It's all psychosomatic garbage. It's not real. You're just letting your unconscious do everything." "I doubt you've ever tried it, so how would you know?" Mark countered.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern as the Fools of Hamlet Essay -- GCSE Cour
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern as the Fools of Hamlet          In William Shakespeare's Hamlet, Prince Hamlet replaces the letter that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are carrying to England with a forgery of his own making, thus sending these two men to their deaths. He does this without giving it a second thought and never suffers from any guilt or remorse for his actions. Considering that these two men were friends from his youth, this would at first glance seem to reflect poorly on his character. However, one must consider carefully the characters of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern before passing judgment on Hamlet.  Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are sent for by the King and Queen to spy on Hamlet and learn why he "puts on this confusion" (III, i.2). While some are fooled by Hamlet's act of insanity, the king is not. He is convinced that it is an act and, being a sly man himself, he suspects that Hamlet is up to something. Having obtained the throne through deceit and murder, he believes Hamlet capable of the same. While King Claudius is evil, he is not a fool and he would never have sent for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern if they were such close friends of Hamlet. They are even told outright that they will be rewarded for their efforts (II, ii. 21-6).  The very fact that they undertake this task for the king is proof enough of their lack of love and loyalty toward Hamlet. Despite their actions, Prince Hamlet gives them ample opportunity to show their loyalty by admitting that they were sent for and why. By showing so much reluctance, they show themselves to be allied with the king. Hamlet asks them to "be even and direct with me, whether you were sent for or no." But after this direct question, Rosencrantz s... ...let's warning. Either way, they are indeed fools and they die a fool's death in the end. They carry in the form of a letter, the king's command to have Hamlet beheaded upon his arrival in England. Hamlet switches the letter with a forgery and seals it with a likeness of the king's seal. The new letter orders the deaths of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, thus they handcarry their own death sentences to their executioners. A poetic justice is served to these unfaithful "friends."  Works Cited Frye, Northrop. 1991. Northrop Frye on Shakespeare London: MacMillan. Girard, A Theater of Envy: William Shakespeare New York: Oxford University Press, 1991 Shakespeare, William. The Tradegy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark. New York: Washington Square Press, 1992 Watts, Cedric. Hamlet Twayne New Critical Introduction to Shakespeare; Boston: Twayne, 1988. Â
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Question and Iago
Iago continually uses rhetorical strategies to manipulate others. He uses many devices to put false accusations into Othello’s head. In lines 330-447 in act 3 scene 3, Iago uses rhetorical questions, imagery, and sarcasm to make Othello believe that Cassio is having an affair with Desdemona. To make Othello question Desdemona’s love for him Iago uses rhetorical questions. When Othello says â€Å"†¦than answer my waked wrath! †Iago comes back with â€Å"Is’t come to this my lord. †Later he goes as far as to say â€Å"Are you a man? Have you a soul or sense? This puts the idea of Desdemona having an affair with Cassio in his head, this also serves to make Othello question much of what he held true. Othello believed that Iago was an honest man. Iago acts very sympathetically towards Othello and in doing this he creates the illusion that he knows what he is talking about. This leads Othello to sense that Iago knows more than what he is sharing. Iago’s questioning ways lead Othello into thinking the worse about Desdemona and Cassio, Iago gains exactly what he wanted, manipulation. Iago continually uses rhetorical strategies to manipulate others. He uses many devices to put false accusations into Othello’s head. In lines 330-447 in act 3 scene 3, Iago uses rhetorical questions, imagery, and sarcasm to make Othello believe that Cassio is having an affair with Desdemona. To make Othello question Desdemona’s love for him Iago uses rhetorical questions. When Othello says â€Å"†¦than answer my waked wrath! †Iago comes back with â€Å"Is’t come to this my lord. †Later he goes as far as to say â€Å"Are you a man? Have you a soul or sense? This puts the idea of Desdemona having an affair with Cassio in his head, this also serves to make Othello question much of what he held true. Othello believed that Iago was an honest man. Iago acts very sympathetically towards Othello and in doing this he creates the illusion that he knows what he is talking about. This leads Othello to sense that Iago knows more than what he is sharing. Iago’s questioning ways lead Othello into thinking the worse about Desdemona and Cassio, Iago gains exactly what he wanted, manipulation. Secondly, Iago’s use of imagery creates such a lucid picture that makes it hard to believe that it is anything but true. Iago tells of how he slept with Cassio and how Cassio, kept talking about Desdemona in his dreams. Through out the play of Othello Iago used many techniques to get what he wanted and one way or another he some how all most always got what he wanted. His techniques were that of an everyday sneaky, conniving bad guy, who always got people to trust him, except the person that was closest to him. But the main overall techniques he used were; 1)He gained the trust of people. Which was the number one technique, and from gaining their trust he could branch off form that and then he could manipulate the people he was playing into thinking that he was on their side even when he might be on the opposite side. Another thing that he could do to people was to, from gaining their trust and making then think that he was on their side he could manipulate them and make them turn on each other. The other technique that he used which didn't nearly play a role as large as the first technique but was important was he was always very careful, in being discovered and by covering his tracks. He knew how to take care of things in precarious situation. There was in my own personal opinion one more technique, and that was that he knew how to use all his options and could use his wits and cunningness. Iago's number one technique was his ability to make people trust him. He had just about everyone spun in Iago's web. Rodrigo, Othello, Cassio, Desdemona, Emilia, and etc. And he got every one of them to trust him, although he still hadn't got Emilia into his web fully. She still had suspicions about him. He could gain the trust of people as if it was nothing to him. He always when talking to that certain person said that he was on their side, making a false trust that the person believed, and therefore trusted him. Now most of the people he did this to it worked on. Such as Cassio calling him â€Å"Honest Iago†and when Cassio got in that fight with Rodrigo, he believed that Iago was the only good, honest man on his side, even†¦
Monday, September 16, 2019
Spending and Investing Practices
Introduction How come some people make lots of money, others basically maintain the status quo, and many are awash in debt? What makes the difference? Spending habits – the difference between needs, wants, and self-indulgence. Investing practices –how time and compound interest can create a fortune. Spending without planning is seeking instant self-gratification NOW. Over-spending creates a bondage that limits opportunities. We all have dreams, priorities, fears, and limited time. In large part these are the key factors that influence what we do with our money. After all, the money we have at the moment is limited.The key questions are: What are the things that are important to you now, five years from now, in 25 years, etc. How much money do you have at the moment that is beyond the basics? What are your best investment choices based upon your age and the time available? Financial Planning Definition The process of: managing your money and resources to achieve economic and personal satisfaction. The Financial Planning Process. Determining your current financial situation. What is your income, expenses, and debt? Developing your financial goals. What are your future plans for housing, transportation, medical, marriage, retirement, etc.Identifying courses of action. Evaluating each course of action. Every decision closes off other alternatives. Creating and implementing your financial action plan. Write it down. Continually review your plan and revise as necessary. Selecting Financial Goals Should contain time goals Short term goals of a week, month, six months, a year or two years. Medium term goals that may be achieved within five years. Long term goals such financing college for children, retirement plans, Should contain need goals Consumable product goals: food, clothing, entertainment, etc. Durable product goals: cars, furniture, appliances, sporting equipment, etc.Intangible purchase goals: health, education, leisure, relationships, etc. Goal -setting Guidelines Financial goals should be realistic. State in specific measurable terms Should have a time frame Should indicate the type of action to be taken. Influences on Financial Planning Stage of adult life cycle: young single, married, married with children, single parent, older 50+. Marital status, household size, and employment. Personal values and major events such as graduation, marriage, children, retirement, etc. Local and global economic conditions such as: consumer prices related to inflation. interest rates for borrowing money. oney supply printed by government. unemployment related to job availability. Investing In The Stock Market Investing started when someone had an idea that possibly would make money but didn’t have the financing to develop it. So he sought money from others who were willing to risk their cash in exchange for a share of the potential profits. When the idea proved profitable and looked as if it would generate an income for an extended period of time, outsiders would try to buy shares in the company by offering cash to the original owners. If several people start bidding for shares and the share owners were willing to sell, the price increased.What Is Bought & Sold in the Stock Market Stocks are shares of ownership in a company. Shareholders may benefit from company profits and a rising stock price. They may also lose their shirt if the company loses money and stock prices fall. Note, ‘Penny’ stocks that are low priced tend to be highly speculative with few buyers and sellers and high risk. Below are some well-known stocks. Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) hold a diversified portfolio of stocks and/or securities that are minimally managed. ETFs have the following advantages: ETFs are safer than stocks because an ETF is a basket of securities.With multiple securities, you aren’t subject to the wide array of risk including corporate scandals, after market earning reports, and other factors that affe ct individual stocks. ETFs may be traded during market hours. ETFs allow the use of limit orders and STOP-loss orders. ETFs have no penalties for early withdrawal and are ‘no-load’ (although usual broker fees apply). ETFs are passively managed so their expenses tend to be lower than comparable mutual funds. ETFs holdings are very apparent and portfolio changes are relatively infrequent. Options are available on some ETFs . Index Funds: securities that represent entire sectors:S&P 500 Index (SPY)| Dow Jones Industrial (DIA)| NASDAQ 100 (QQQQ)| Russell 2000 Fund (IWM). | Options are purchasable and sellable contracts that guarantee rights, but not necessarily obligations to buy or sell a security for an agreed upon price within a certain time period. Mutual funds: pooled money managed by professional money managers who charge for their services. Mutual funds are only traded after the market closes each day. Mutual funds cannot be protected from falling prices during the d ay. If the market is crashing, a sell order to get out is initiated only after the market has closed.No-Load Mutual Funds: no fees charged for buying or selling. On an average these tend to be more profitable than loaded funds. Loaded Mutual Funds: an upfront fee or exit fee is charged to enter or cash out a fund. Bonds: loans made to a company or government with a guaranteed return if bankruptcy doesn't occur. Often bonds are sold to raise cash to expand the business. Commodities: raw materials such as sugar, wheat, pork bellies, metals, etc. During economic expansion commodity prices generally rise due to increasing demand. During a recession or deflationary times the opposite is true except in the case of precious metals.Sometimes when people lose faith in their paper money they purchase gold or silver as insurance against devaluation of the dollar. Currencies: paper money that people believe has value. As the amount of paper money increases, the value of the paper money decrease s. With more paper money chasing goods, the rate of inflation rises (gas used to be 23 cents a gallon). REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts): publicly traded companies that own and manage investment-grade commercial real estate. REITs invest in office buildings, malls, industrial facilities, hotels, resorts, health care facilities, and self-storage.REITs provide a simple and inexpensive way to invest in commercial real estate without buying property directly. However, they are not very liquid. REITs provide a fairly reliable source of income. At least 90 percent of taxable income must be distributed annually to shareholders. Financial Participants Banks and Credit Unions typically manage accounts and provide services including checking, savings, loans, credit and debit cards, notary services, safe deposit boxes, etc. Brokerage Firms typically manage all types of trades (stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, etc. ) for a fee.Some are full service, providing advice and charging for their servi ces. Others are discount brokers that handle transactions for a minimal charge. Broker: a licensed professional who advises people about investments for a fee and may work for a brokerage firm. Stock and Commodity Markets are exchanges where stocks, options, securities, indexes, currencies, commodities, etc. are traded. Market Maker: a professional securities dealer who buys and sells stocks or commodities held in inventory and must ALWAYS provide a bid and ask price at which they will buy or sell something.Investors (speculators) are individuals who usually hold longer-term investments. Traders (scalpers) are individuals who usually trade quickly looking for quick profits. Momentum investors track prices and volume data to identify stocks trending higher. Market Timers try to time their investing so they’re buying at market troughs and selling at peaks. Growth Investors target stocks of companies that produce, and should continue producing, above-average earnings growth. Val ue Investors shop for bargains, hoping to buy low, as the cliche goes, and sell high.There are four market trends. Down trending markets in which security prices are falling. People typically do not know how to trade this market. Yet trading a down trending market is usually the most profitable. Security prices fall faster than they rise, typically taking 5 years to reach a high versus 3 months to lose most of the gain. High volatility markets in which security prices swing wildly from one extreme to the other. Day traders and professional traders are very active in this scenario. Up-trending markets in which security prices are rising.Most people invest in an up-trending market because of their optimistic outlook. This market ranks third in trading profitability. Sideways trending markets in which security prices trade within a fairly tight range with little fluctuation. It is important to note that . . . Money can be made or lost no matter the market direction Protecting Trades Wi th Stops Frequently novice traders fail to protect profits and lose money even though a security has bounced in and out of profitability several times. The use of a STOP is one way to protect an account.A STOP is a chosen price in which a trader wants to sell a security to prevent a further price decline. There are four kinds of STOPS. Automatic Hard STOP. This STOP is set immediately after the initial purchase and is not changed until it is deleted or adjusted. Market makers may see hard STOPS and often knock them out during trading by dropping the price suddenly and then raising the price shortly thereafter. Trailing STOP  a favorite. As the price of a stock rises, this STOP correspondingly rises. A Trailing STOP allows a winning stock to run while protecting against a loss if the price drops.Mental STOP. This STOP is written down but not placed with the brokerage firm because full-time traders may not want to be inadvertently stopped out of a trade due to a momentary larg e price swing. STOP Limit. A ‘Limit Order’ is an order to buy or sell at a specific price or better and is only ACTIVATED when the desired price is hit. Searching For investments Determine market trends. What are the current market trends with the Dow, S;P 500, etc. Select high-ranking industry in which money is flowing into it. Studies have shown industry ranking is responsible for at least 50% of a stock price movement.Scan For Higher Volume. Look for securities that trade more than 750,000 shares daily. A stock needs to be liquid; meaning that there are plenty of buyers when it is time to sell. Search For Top Contenders. The companies should be profitable, with low or no debt. Trading Volume Drives Trends When there is a dramatic change in the volume being traded daily compared to its average daily volume, PAY ATTENTION! Typically this means professional money managers are either buying or selling a security. Like a garage sale, when there are a lot of buyers, prices tend to stay put or rise.If there is an abundance of sellers, prices typically fall. Rising prices with high volume mean institutional professional money managers are buying. The larger the volume increase  50% above average  the better chance it is a true breakout. During major breakouts it is not uncommon for new market leaders to show volume spikes from 200% to 1000%. Rising prices with little volume is often a sucker’s rally and novice buyers tend to be taken to the cleaners because the price rise lacks support by institutions. Falling prices with high volume mean institutional money managers are selling.Falling prices with little volume may mean a strong base of support is forming for a possible uptrend. Professionals tend to purchase heavily and then wait four to eight days before buying again. Trend Insights A trend is the direction of movement of a market or individual security. Trends are characterized by a series of zigzags that resemble a series of waves with peaks and troughs. There are three trends: An uptrend is a series of higher highs and higher lows. A downtrend is a series of lower highs and lower lows. A neutral trend is horizontal, or equal, peaks and troughs, and reflects a period of indecision.This is also known as the consolidation phase. If a trader is wrong about the trends  all other factors are basically worthless. What is popular one moment may be a ‘dog’ shortly thereafter. Trends are your friend. Money is always flowing somewhere! Large Market Trends are determined by an analysis of the buying and selling volume of the Dow, NASDAQ, S&P 500, Russell, etc. Sector Trends deal with an overall analysis of similar companies. Listed below are ETFs that cover sectors. Sector ETFs| Internet| HHH| Oil Service| OIH| Transportation| IYT| Telecom| IYZ|Real Estate| IYR| Big Tech| QQQQ| Software| PSJ| Media| PBS| Defense| PPA| Construction| PKB| Insurance| PIC| Financials| IYF| Nanotech| PXN| Alt. Ene rgy| PBW| Industry Trends are a subcategory of sector trends. This is where individual stocks are listed. Calendar Trends. Some things happen on a recurring basis which cause stock prices to rise and fall almost like clockwork. For instance, Christmas goods are usually shipped in August and September influencing the stock prices of UPS or FEDX. India’s wedding season increases the demand for gold. CAN SLIM COMPANY ANALYSIS CRITERIAWilliam O'Neil, founder of Investor’s Business Daily Newspaper (IBD), developed the ‘CAN SLIM’ investing analysis criteria that is based upon many years of research and readily displayed in IBD. The following is a summary of the analytical criteria used. C = Current Quarterly Profit Increases. Strong growth in earnings, more than any other factor, is what defines the market leaders that potentially are going to experience big price advances. IBD recommends looking for stocks with a profit gain of at least 25% compared to the same quarter of the previous year.IBD found that three of every four such stocks boosted profits by more than 70% in their most recent quarter BEFORE their big run-ups. A = Annual Earning Increases should be at least 25% for the last three to five years. Some of the biggest market winners had annual earnings growth of 50%+ before starting their big run-ups. A trend of three to five years of annual earning increases coupled with recent strong earnings in the last several quarters increases the probability of success in an up-trending market. N = New Products, Management, or Highs.It seems that anything new that makes our lives richer, extends our health, or increases our productivity is desirable. Old companies or newly created companies that provide these new things or new services tend to increase in value because of increase in sales. S = Supply & Demand. When there are plenty of buyers and few sellers, prices increase. When demand for stock shares increases, the company with the leas t amount of shares available will experience a greater price increase. The greater the number shares available (for sale) the less the price performance.Usually older larger companies with billions of shares are more sluggish than companies trading only 50 million shares. Note, the larger the percentage of ownership by management, typically the greater the growth potential. L = Leaders, Not Laggards. There are many ‘wannabes also-ran’ companies. Their price growth results are average at best or a flash-in-the-pan. Select best-of-breed stocks from the top three in strong industry groups with the best quarterly/annual earnings growth. Note, in a bull market correction, the stocks that drop the least are usually the best on rebound.I = Institutional Sponsorship. When big traders (mutual funds, pension plans, etc) are buying millions of shares, it is a good sign the price will run-up. But not all mutual funds are equal in quality. Follow the leaders of the best mutual funds . M = Market Direction. Track the trend averages using the S&P, DJIA, and NASDAQ. And Finally CFO: Corporate Fraud Officer. FIAT Money: Financial Instrument Administering Theft of Money Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. – Einstein
Sunday, September 15, 2019
China Coin and Rabbit Proof
hina Coin and Rabbit Proof Fence Acceptance and understanding of ones get individuality are necessity for a sense of be. In order to feel a sense of inclusion in society, Individuals must have a deep understanding of their own identity. Without an acceptance of their close and belief, Individuals bath face a sense of exclusion from society. In the novel, The chinaware Coin by Allan Baillie, Leah the protagonist refuses to accept her true identity which results in her not feeling a sense of belonging in society. This is contrasted in the film, Rabbit Proof Fence by Phillip Noyce, in which the protagonist, Molly has a deep understanding of her own/existing Aboriginal culture which assists in her overcoming all barriers and conclusion the place returning to the place where she feels comfortable in. A In The chinaware Coin Leah, the protagonist has accepted her Chinese heritage after several(prenominal) refusals and denials. At the start of the journey, Leah refused to believe in and accept her Chinese Heritage. In the plane, Leah refuses to believe that she was coming shell because she had never been to chinaware before. Leahs acknowledgment of her father, David Waters being English, forced her into thinking that she had no connection with China despite the fact that her generate was Chinese. It is limpid through the internal monologue of Leah when the air hostess welcomes her home but Leah thinks to herself couldnt the woman see? She was not an ABC- Australian born(p) Chinese. Her feeling towards China and the intentions for coming to China are conveyed through another internal monologue by Leah, No, she wasnt leaving home. She was just ducking into a strange and probably unfriendly country to finish what Dad had startedaâ‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦ She only related and employ this journey to her Father but failed to understand the connection her mother had with China. A In Rabbit Proof Fence Mollys rich and deep understanding of her culture and identity helped her overcome all barriers provided against her by the white society†¦. If you necessitate to get a full essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper. com
Saturday, September 14, 2019
A Good Life essay
The Good Life Denise West April 14, 2013 Siena Heights University Gail Ryder Introduction A good life is what everyone desires. But what is actually a good life? Many people have their own interpretation of what a good life is. Society today has a different outlook on what is an acceptable lifestyle. Many people are influenced with the perception of how an individual should live their life. Some often find themselves trying to fulfill their happiness through America’s perception on how they should live. Instead they become disappointed with the disapproval of others and often forget what happiness really means to them.A good life consists of maximizing happiness. Many believe wealth, power, and respect brings happiness. I happen to disagree. I believe wealth and power bring sorrow and problems. The philosopher Socrates did not approve happiness was result of affluence and material consumption. He believed a rich and active mind is happier than a consumer of finer foods and exp ansive clothing (De Botton, 2000). Whether it is positive or negative, as long is the individual accepts and is happy of his or her own life, then they are living a good life.My life revolves around a combination of these six themes: education, work, ethics, relationships, spirituality, and success. In my essay, I will give my expertise of a good life. I will share thoughts of my life and give examples of each theme of why live the way I do. Education I believe education is a lifelong process that consists of both formal and informal experiences that lead to the individual learning something. The setting could be a home, a school, a workplace, a volunteer position, or an internship learning experience.Education is an ongoing mix of experiences; I think an educated person is a one who has made the most of each experience and learned from it. One should possess the general knowledge needed for making informed rational decisions and inferences on familiar and novel situations in person al and intellectual life. An educated person should also master of the general thinking abilities required for making informed intelligent decisions, estimates, assessments, and inferences. Philosopher Montaigne was an educated man with great wisdom. He spent most of his spear time in a circular library reading books (De Botton, 2000).I was raised by a family who is very educated. My mother and father have master degrees. My sister is a graduate student at Kansas State University. My father pushed my sister and I our entire lives of the importance of education. I receive a tremendous amount of support from my parents, family and friends. They continuously motivate me to be successful in completing and continuing my education. My plans for education are to continue to graduate school. Later in life, I am interested in teaching secondary education. I have a lot of inspiration and support from others and I am determined to succeed.I instill the importance of intelligence to my children . I agree with Montaigne’s two categories of knowledge: learning and wisdom. â€Å"In the learning category his placed logic, etymology, grammar, Latin and Greek. And in the wisdom category he places a far broader, more valuable kind of knowledge, everything that could help a person to live well†Montaigne’s intentions were to assist people†live happily and morally â€Å"(De Botton, p 153, 2000). These are two categories that keep me hungry for more. I often find myself harder on my son, because the graduation rate has dropped tremendously and it continues to decline.Depending on what aspiration a person has, having an education qualifies for great employment. Work The will power, motivation, and education are a good start in performing the ideal job in the workplace. The ambition and excitement of commuting to work daily is great feeling. A good work environment improves satisfaction and productivity. When a person is unhappy in the workplace, it is a d rag waking up each day to return to that place of business. Philosopher Epicurus believed the tension starts to show at home and we often point the finger at work (De Botton, 2000).It is important to be able to balance work and home to manage a positive work environment. Having a stress free job as well having fun and believe in your work is part of the good life. A good working environment is important for employee morale. It builds strong relationships between associates and among the biggest motivating factors in the workplace. I enjoy the work I do on a daily basis. It is a challenging job that requires an outgoing personality, sales drive, and patience. The down fall of my workplace is the associates and environment. We lack communication and the ability to coach each other to improve the workplace.The location in an urban area limits the opportunity of sales growth, variety customer base, as well as deepening relationships. At times, I felt the same pain as Epicurus. We both s tarted to wonder if were on the correct career path. One thing I lack in the workplace is empathy. I meet a lot of people each day. Many customers have personal problems they choose to share with me. Many times I can’t relate, because I have not experienced it. I represent my employer, and I am branded by them. I have to maintain a certain image and give great impressions. My supervisor has coached me on empathizing with my customers.We role play each week, and he has given me different conversation tools to better assist my customers. I want to give my customers a great experience each time they visit. To minimize tension, and misinterpretation, I will start utilizing 360 coaching. This is a tool recommended by my employer. Associates coach each including management. We give positive feedback to each other on how we could improve. This should help my team with any disagreements one may have with another associate. After opening up with one another and sharing each other diff erences, the company is great place work.Communication is the key to every success. With our recent suggestions and improvement, I believe everything will work out great. Ethics Ethics is a concept of morality principles. It defines the standard behavior which tells us the most common way of society: good, bad, right and wrong. The book Affluenza written by authors Graff, Wann, and Naylor have great information on living a good life daily minimizing consumption. â€Å"Affluenza is a painful, contagious, socially transmitted condition of overload, deft, anxiety, and waste resulting from the dogged pursuit of more†(Degraff, Wann, Naylor, p. , 2001). Afflenza respects those perfectly human desires, and seeks to create ways to make comfort, elegance, and enjoyment more genuine and durables than purchasable, perishable commodities (Degraff, Wann, Naylor, 2001). Unfortunately, I struggle with Affuenza. My finance and I live a certain lifestyle. Our lifestyles boil down to become e xpansive. We often find ourselves caught up in what we feel we have to have or need, such as hair, nails, brand name clothing, jewelry, and restaurants. We also have plenty of unnecessary bills only because they are available resources to us.We are not utilizing the product or service for what it is worth. We have more stuff, less time, and our quality of life seems to be deteriorating (Degraff, Wann, Naylor, 2001). As we move forward in our lives, I try to educate my finance of Affluenza and suggested a variety of ways will can save time and money. I plan to start tracking our daily spending habits more closely. If we cut back on luxury habits we could save thousands a year. We are coming to together and taking it one day at time. It is difficult to change some things you are accustomed to.Overcoming this disease is important to us, because we are embarking on a higher level in our relationship. We are currently testing our new ideas to happiness in our lives. Hopefully the results give us some leeway to plan what matters most to us, and how we will cherish our years to come. Relationships One of my biggest challenges of my life is my relationship. There is nothing more important than the quality of my relationship. My relationship influences the major decisions I make and is a large part of my happiness. Relationships can be very stressful at times. They require at lot of listening, effort, and compromising.Both parties have to be willing to sacrifice in order to move forward. A fundamental to a strong relationship is commitment. Commitment to making a relationship strong and healthy is the basis on which it will mature. Relationships take plenty work and effort. Compared to life itself, relationships are aggressive and intense because we are forever changing. A durable relationship need continuous nurturing and that takes commitment from both parties. Our commitment to the relationship is unconditional caring about maintaining and improving our relationship , even during times of anger or disappointment.There may be times when I am not even sure I like him, but I am committed. My strong commitment reminds me of Epicurus views of friendship. At first he thought pleasure brought him happiness. He eventually had a change of heart and found that the loyalty of friendship is what matters most (De Botton, 2000). I will spend the effort to sustain relationship during tough times. The motivation of keeping our family together saved us. We put our differences aside and our children first. Their security is most important. Our determination led us to our engagement. We are set to wed next summer. Spirituality One doesn’t need either the bible to instruct one in prudence; nor the fear of divine retribution to provide the incentive†(De Bottom, 2000). Epicurus shows us how morality can be founded upon prudent self-interest. I was raised a Christian. Philosopher Nietzsche called Christianity â€Å"the religion of comfortableness†(De Bottom, p. 238, 2000). Until my grandmother died in 1993, my family and I attended church regularly. As an adult, continue to believe in the Christian Religion; however I do not practice it. I currently do not the bible for a number of reasons. I do not want to be put in a category as a hypocrite.I am uncomfortable in committing to a religion if I am not ready to live righteously. I don’t want to find myself going back and forth and continuously repenting to the Lord for sins I have committed. The second reason I do not practice Christianity is because I do have a church home. I have not find a church where I felt comfortable worshiping. In the past, I found myself visiting a variety of churches and none felt right to me. I started to wonder, I am looking in the right religion? Maybe there’s another religion that makes more sense to me and has a place where I could worship and feel comfortable.The significance of any religion lies simply in the answer to the ques tion: why do I exist, and what is my relationship to the infinite universe that surrounds me? â€Å"It is impossible for there to be a person with no religion as it is for there to be a person without a heart. He may not know that he has a religion, just as a person may not know that he has a heart, but it is no more possible for a person to exist without a religion than without a hear â€Å"(Leo Tolstoy, 1879). As I read this statement from Tolstoy Confession, I thought about my current situation.Tolstoy was a philosopher who came to believe that he had â€Å"accomplished nothing and his life was meaningless†(Patterson, p. 5, 1983). The third reason I do not practice Christianity is because my finance study’s another religion. I have taken in to consideration to research his religion and to a common ground and decide which religion is best for me. Either way, we both have to agree on the same religion. It is important we raise our children with the same values to l ive a good and happy life. Success The meaning of Success comes in many forms, and a variety of meanings.It defines what you are searching for in life. It is within the perception of the individual. A large portion of one’s life is spent working to become successful. People are told during the upbringing to work hard so they earn make lots of money. People have a variety of interpretations of what success means to them. Socrates says, â€Å"One who understands the limits of the good life knows that what eliminates the pains brought on by need and what makes the whole of life perfect is easily obtained, so that there is no need for enterprises that entail the struggle for success†(De Botton, 2000).Success is often measured by social status and wealth. I determined success by the amount of happiness one feels. I live my life by planning. This is task that I put in place to organization my life. Time management is important to me. I currently have a blue print for my lif e. It is sectioned in four categories which are three weeks, three months, one year, and three years. This is a tool used to set goals and manage my life. Each year I review my blue print to ensure each goal is accomplished. My goals are similar to the six themes I have discussed.I consider myself to be a successful person. I have managed to complete every major task I have set forth. I have an outstanding family with two beautiful children. I am scheduled to graduate in December 2010, and I have an awesome job. I am in process of simplifying consumption, and we are working toward spirituality. These are important goals that I and my family discuss on a regular basis. I continue to stay open for suggestions and constructive criticism. I am willing to explore whatever is necessary to work toward a wonderful and happy life. This year is a successful year.Conclusion We think happiness is good, therefore we seek it. The search for happiness can be endless if you do not know what you are searching for. Individuals find themselves never accomplishing their goals. We can choose to enjoy the adventure and explore as much as possible. Try to make a conscious resolution to be content. By having a peace of mind and satisfaction means you are happy with what you have and what you are. I received my results of a good life with a history of effectiveness and success. I have a general sense of what I feel are the best ways to get things done.I set of process and principles that has worked well for me over many years. I am a detailed person who manages time, plans for the future, and a fan of great strategy. I choose to ignore the setbacks and I look at the big picture in order to guide myself and my organization to maximum results. A good life is a combination of many things. Everyone has their own interpretation of what a good life is. It starts with self development within individual. Many philosophers such as Epicurus and Socrates believe pleasure brings forth happiness ( De Botton, 2000). I happen to agree.Nothing matter to me more than my happiness. It is up to the individual to decide what pleasures them most. My life has had its many shares of a rollercoaster. I have made and learned from my mistakes. There is not anything that I regret nor wished didn’t happen during the years of my life. Without my mistakes, I would not have the opportunity to learn and grow. As a whole, I cherish my life I believe it is great. I am thankful for awaking each morning and for blessing me each day I have no reason to complain. I have experienced more than I ever dreamed of.Most importantly, I am blessed in being a mother. My family is extremely important to me. They complete each and every accomplishment. In combination of each principle, task, and theme they all relate and evolve around one specific goal which is my family. What a great life! References De Botton, A. (2000). The Consolations of Philosophy. New York: Pantheon Books. Graaf, J. , Naylor, T. , & Wann, D. (2001). Affluenza. San Francisco: Brerrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. Tolstoy, L. (1993). Confession. Translated by David Patterson. New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
Reading Response to Introduction in Handbook of Race and Ethnic Studies Essay
Upon reading the Collins and Solomos introduction to their Handbook of Race and Ethnic Studies, I soon realized that the field of race and ethnicity is a diverse, living thing that is constantly evolving. The authors make reference to the fact that the civil rights movement has been working for decades and it appears at times that no progress has been made. They make this point by mentioning the nightly newscasts on television that show global atrocities brought on by policies of ethnic cleansing or other forms of hate. This is proof that more work has to be done and we must continue to seek and promote understanding and equality. Collins and Solomos also mention the rise of more right-wing political groups that they refer to as the new right. These groups use the media to promote their ideas of an ideal state. They state that `for the new right` the appeal is by and large no longer to racial supremacy cultural uniformity` and they get around this by  ¨parading under the politics of nationalism and patriotism ¨. This reminded me of my history classes in school where I first learned of Hitler and how he used extreme nationalism as one of his tools to gain influence and power over a economically struggling Germany. There seems to be a great many voices and perspectives out there that may contradict one another at times, but I feel that the study or race and ethnicity must continue to be pursued.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Review of an academic research paper Literature
Of an academic research paper - Literature review Example The objectives and process behind developing effective simulation model have practical approach. The process is emphasizing not only on the participant personality but also on the designers personality which will help in model development. The author has explained the effectiveness of simulation in light of internal, external and educational validity. The subject most emphasized upon in this article is â€Å"educational validity†and the factors that influence its effectiveness. These factors are (a) simulation design, which emphasizes that simulation should be an accurate representative of the real world; and (b) implementation of simulation, which involves the involvement of participants (Stainton, Johnson & Borodzicz, 2010, p.707). The algorithmic validity and inaccurate representative of real world are the concerned issues. Although the simulation model is excellent, but if it cannot link up with real world scenarios, then such models are useless. Moreover, participants of the simulation should be self-motivated. The participant’s motivation can be assessed by the different motivation theories. So participant’s level of motivation is considered to be the moderating factor, which can increase the learning process. Along with participants, designer’s attribute carry an equivalent weight, while assessing simulation model for its learning effectiveness. Firstly, the designer of the model should be having respective expertise for which the simulation model is being made. Furthermore, designer should be unbiased while constructing the model. The research methodology framework for educational validity assessment has provided guidelines regarding problems that arise while building, implementing, and analyzing the simulation model. It includes formulation objectives, propositions, research designs, and instruments, which will then be analyzed; whether or not these instruments are good predictors of
Thursday, September 12, 2019
JTF-GNO Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
JTF-GNO - Research Paper Example †The implication of the issues predominantly hinges on the question of normalcy which is of paramount importance in the national and international perspective. General Network Relationships: The GIG operations extend to giving support services and coordinating with the activities in areas such as the White House Situation Room, Department of State Operations Center, Department of Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Federal Emergency Management Agency. Central Intelligence Agency Operations Center, the National Coordinating Center for Telecommunications, United Nations Military Mission, United States Coast Guard Command Center, Federal Aviation Administration Executive Communications Control Center), and other agencies are also covered on regular basis under various circumstances. Allied Partnership: The operations are global in nature and include information sharing with the allied and coalition partners on various security aspects. The differences in the c ommunication systems, operation standards and procedures need to be overcome through a common policyfor effective operations. NETOPS is responsible for integration, monitoring, control, and protection of the networks. Department of Homeland Security: The DOD coordinates with the civil authorities in homeland, be it federal state or local bodies through the national communication systems with JTF-Civil Support Unit of USNORTHCOM, in its security/homeland missions. Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT): The JTF-GNO established the GNC through the merger of the JTF Computer Network Operations’ Directorate, DISA’s Global NETOPS and Security Center and the DOD computer emergency response team (CERT). US-CERT provides support and defense against cyber attacks and aids information sharing at various levels, government, industries and international agencies. National Communication Systems: The JTF J-6, bridges the gaps between civil, DOD, NGOs and other agencies in mission-o riented communications solutions and gather information on the commercial communications from the National Communications systems. Intelligence Community: The scope of GIG covers all communication systems or channels either owned or leased and include computing systems/services, software, data management and other security related aspects. The GIG supports the strategic, tactical and business operations related to national security and intelligence. The Director, National Security Agency (NSA) is also the commander USCYBERCOM. The NSA is responsible for developing and prescribing cryptographic standards and principles. DOD agencies, such as DIA, National Security Agency, and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, are responsible for ensuring that the respective systems are consistent with the GIG. Coordination with the CIA and FBI is also covered for combating cyber terrorism in the country and internationally. Law Enforcement / Counter Intelligence: Computer Network Defense (CND) takes measures for monitoring, analyzing and responding to the
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
A critical review and discussion of research based evidence relating Essay
A critical review and discussion of research based evidence relating to hand hygiene in community nursing hand washing versus the use of alcohol based hand gel - Essay Example The use of an alcohol-based hand gels is the next best option to soap and water. In fact, it is also highly recommended by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC 2003). Isopropyl and ethyl alcohol is proven to be effective in fighting against bacteria, tuberculosis, viruses, and fungi (Kozier 2004). In relation to hand washing, this paper will focus on discussion and the comparison of different research approaches in order to come up with evidences regarding the importance of hand washing in a community area, the use of an alcohol-based hand gels as an alternative to hand washing, and some of the health benefits that we could get from a simple hand washing with the use of either an ordinary or anti-bacterial soap. The four (4) research studies that I have included in this paper all ended up with the evidence that a simple hand washing with either an ordinary or an anti-bacterial soap and the maintenance of short and clean nails can help us stay in good health and free from a long list of infectious diseases such as upper respiratory diseases like colds and flu, and a mortality causing diseases like diarrhoea. In my research, I have included the importance of hand washing. Every nurse should know the exact reason why hand washing is very important in our chosen career. In line with this, we must have to be knowledgeable of the proper way of hand washing and the use of the alcohol-based hand gels. For this reason, I also have included the guidelines on hand washing and the use of the alcohol-based hand gels. There are four (4) research studies in this paper. Two (2) are evidenced-based practice showing that hand washing can prevent and minimize infectious diseases like colds and flu and diarrhoea. The third study will show that the use of the alcohol-based hand gels will increase the rate of hand washing compliance due to the convenience that comes with from using it. The last study proves that long nails could
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Religion and Secularism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Religion and Secularism - Essay Example In one sense Secularism is understood as the case of absence of religion and in other sense as treating all religions equally. Thus, it is difficult enough to define secularism according to a single ideal and social, political and cultural conditions define the secularism in a particular context and area. The afore-mentioned aspect points out the origins of secularism from religion. As one of the concepts in understanding secularism is to oppose the religion in at least until some extent, the concept developed from religious context. Though the secularism has origins in religion, it is a political and social movement and retains a philosophical aspect. In many contexts, the philosophy is to oppose religion and this resulted in different type of applications of it in different situations. However, in any type of understanding the secularism a common opposition to supernatural and faith in god will exist. The concept of secularism and secularization differ as the secularization questio ns the role of religion in society and argues for sphere of knowledge. Thus in the course of questioning the religion, secularization opposes the presence of religious authorities and opposes their public authority. As a result, it catches criticism from the opponents of secularism or religious minded people. One of the important opposition is regarding favoring of explicitly basis for politics at the cost of another religion, which generally happens in developing countries like India, Pakistan and Gulf countries.
Monday, September 9, 2019
The Communist Revolution in China Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The Communist Revolution in China - Term Paper Example The Communist Revolution in China, which culminated in the establishment of the Peoples’ Republic of China in 1949, was the result of several historical developments of the preceding decades. At the start of the twentieth century, China’s last imperial dynasty, the Qing, was in deep decline. The moribund feudal Confucian system, massive increase in population, failure to modernize, and the proliferation of warring war-lords, made China a fragmented nation. This fragmentation was further compounded by the establishment of foreign enclaves, or concessions, in important port cities by the colonial powers, each enjoying substantial extra-territorial autonomy and significant economic and political rights. In the aftermath of World War I, in which the Chinese contributed laborers to the Allies, Japan was granted the former German concession in Shantung and expanded control of Manchuria. This was widely resented by the Chinese. The social fabric of the country was in tatters: the peasants, who constituted the largest proportion of the population, were mired in abysmal poverty; the unskilled urban workers were also poor; the landlords and officials blocked any progress; the merchants were constrained by the foreign concessions. In this climate of political fragmentation and social stagnation, an intellectual movement for change took shape and consolidated its hold over the educated Chinese. The intellectual ferment of the late nineteenth to early twentieth century may be considered the precursor of the birth of Communism in China. A growing section of the educated Chinese actively agitated for modernization, social change, elimination of foreign concessions and national unity.... A growing section of the educated Chinese actively agitated for modernization, social change, elimination of foreign concessions and national unity. The earliest attempt for reformation was spearheaded by SunYat-sen, who formed the Revolutionary Alliance in about 1905, and then the Kuomintang (KMT), or National Party, in 1912. Sun Yat-Sen was a medical doctor who entered politics with the goal of building â€Å"a strong, unified, modern Chinese Republic†(Cienciala, 1999). He had a strong backer in the wealthy businessman, Charlie Soong, whose two daughters married Sun Yat-Sen and Chiang Kai-Shek. In 1906, the publication of the Chinese translation of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto attracted adherents to Marxism. A short-lived Republic was established in the aftermath of a military revolt in 1912, followed by a changing Central Government, challenged by other regimes and warlords. Thus, the reformists were divided into several factions: constitutional monarchists, anar chists, nationalists, and Marxists. The student-led May 4th Movement of 1919, largely inspired by socialism, expressed the growing intellectual movement for change. The climate was now ripe for the birth of Chinese Communism. The Chinese Communist Party (CPP) took root in the Marxist study groups established at Beijing University in June 1918, under the initiative of Li Dazhao, the chief librarian. Mao Zedong joined the Marxist study group in 1919. At this juncture, in accordance with its objective of establishing socialist allies in other nations, and striking a blow against international imperialism, the Soviet Government adopted friendly relations with China, particularly through the Comintern: the international
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