Saturday, May 23, 2020
Leadership My Personal Leadership Philosophy - 919 Words
1. Leadership is the ability to inspire and focus members on a common goal, whether short term or long term and have the same vision. Leadership is more than telling or ordering, but having members believe and want to follow the same path as you. It’s a commitment to your people built on trust and respect. Many leaders shaped my personal leadership philosophy, to include several negative and positive experiences. Negative experiences from poor leaders and lessons learned on my part have uniquely shaped this vision. Difficult to be a good follower when your leader lacks competency, integrity, and your trust. If a leader takes credit for work other than their own, or forces and ideology onto others, but does not follow it themselves; these negative influences damage the trust and respect required of all leaders. However, positive experiences can also have a career lasting impact. A leader who inspires through personal actions and convictions can change how an entire un it operates without ever saying a word. 2. There are three leadership behaviors I intend to improve on based upon the Leadership Practices Inventory and self-reflection. As a senior leader I admittedly lack in praising people for a job well done. My shortfalls come from my personal views that self-gratification is more important than any other type of praise or recognition. A person has to be satisfied with themselves before accepting praise. However, I can attest that we can be more critical onShow MoreRelatedMy Personal Leadership Philosophy Of Leadership1214 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Leadership is an influential word: and its meaning may differ from person to person. Some describe leadership as the people in the highest and most powerful positions within an organization. But as I look back on the positions I have held and the people I would consider leaders, the people I would choose to follow, they were not necessarily the higher ranked people in the organization. They were the people with vision and moral compass who moved the company forward. These peopleRead MoreLeadership : My Personal Leadership Philosophy916 Words  | 4 PagesLeadership is the ability to inspire and focus members on a common goal, whether short term or long term and have the same vision. Leadership is more than telling or ordering, but having members believe and want to follow the same path as you. It’s a commitment to your people built on trust and respect. Many leaders shaped my personal leadership philosophy, to include several negative and positive experiences. Nega tive experiences from poor leaders and lessons learned on my part have uniquelyRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Leadership1208 Words  | 5 PagesMany use this philosophy without even consciously doing so; others will question almost all decisions they make. My personal moral philosophy is closely tied to my philosophy of leadership. I reside in the first category of people, those that operate in a moral philosophy that has not been specifically identified, but is strongly tied to my faith. This paper will allow me to express my own personal and leadership philosophy. My personal philosophy has been molded and developed by my upbringingRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Leadership1386 Words  | 6 Pagesgreat leader? I am going to evaluate my strengths and weaknesses as a leader by sharing my online leadership assessment results, review what my philosophy of leadership is, and discuss the characteristics that I believe make a great leader. I am also going to show how I will execute my plan to become the best leader I can be. At the beginning of my Masters I took a class called Leadership Theories and Practices. During this class we had to take over 16 leadership assessments that ranged from assessingRead MoreMy Personal Leadership Philosophy, Leadership, And Ownership857 Words  | 4 Pages1. My personal leadership philosophy is â€Å"Leadership through personal example and ownership†. Throughout my career I have served with several leaders that inspired me and solidified this philosophy in me. LCDR Fritz Kuebler was one of those mentors and continues to be a source of inspiration. He could always be looked to for how to handle difficult situations. When faced with adversity or a leadership challenge he could be seen taking a few brief moments to internally analyze and then issue a decisionRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Leadership1463 Words  | 6 PagesPersonal Philosophy of Leadership When I think of a leader, I see someone who stands out. I see someone who is courageous and wants to take the lead. I see someone who chooses to create there own path, rather than taking the one everyone else is taking. As I learn about the qualities and the traits of leadership, I began to self evaluate on how I see myself as a leader. This week we have been really discussing some interesting topics on the birth of leadership, also the core skills along withRead MorePersonal Statement : My Leadership Philosophy923 Words  | 4 Pages1. My definition of leadership is having someone that is willing to put personal desires aside in order to help a team reach a common goal. No matter how hard and frustrating goals, projects and missions will become, a true leader will do everything in their power to help lift up, challenge and motivate a group to reach the final end product. Leaders that have had great influence on me have included, General George Washington, Sir Edmund Hillary, Sir Ernest Shackleton, Captain Richard Winters (EasyRead MorePersonal Statement : My Personal Leadership Philosophy1439 Words  | 6 Pages A supervisor once sat with me as we went over my annual performance evaluation and he said to me â€Å"not only do you have the qualities of a leader, but you also have charisma, Donna, and I don’t see that in people too often†. Honestly, at the time, I didn’t even know what that meant. Not only did I not know what charisma meant but I had no idea what that statement meant or should mean to me. Those words stuck with me though and I often wondered what he really meant and sometimes still do. Read MoreMy Personal Leadership Philosophy : A Leader Essay1305 Words  | 6 PagesMy personal leadership philosophy reflects a desire to develop subordinates and create an efficient, purpose driven environment. A leader must create a clear vision which followers can understand in order to meet all the requirements of their unit. A leader must lead with the end in sight creating goal driven activity. I believe the way to measure the success of a leader is through the success of their subordinate leaders. Therefore, a leader must constantly develop their subordinate leaders. PassionRead More My Personal Leadership Philosophy Essay1558 Words  | 7 PagesAc cording to Webster’s Dictionary, leadership is the power or ability to lead other people, the act or instance of leading. I believe that Leadership is an art, the art to get others to follow and accomplish a common goal or task in a harmonic manner. A leader can be shown in all kinds of shapes and forms. To be a great leader many people believe it consists of modeling the way, inspiring a shared vision, enabling others to act, and encouraging the heart. Over the course of me learning how to become
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Emotional Intelligence the Rapprochement of Reason and...
The past few decades have seen increasing interest in emotion research. Although much remains to be learned, agreement is beginning to emerge regarding the way emotion should be viewed. Emotions provide a unique source of information for individuals about their environment, which informs and shapes their thoughts, actions, and subsequent feelings, and there is a growing view that emotion information can be used more or less intelligently. A notion central to emotional intelligence theory is that individuals differ in their ability to perceive, understand and use emotional information, and this ability significantly contributes to intellectual and emotional well-being and growth. Emotional intelligence as a concept has prospered, in†¦show more content†¦The stoic philosophers of ancient Greece argued that the idiosyncratic nature of emotion rendered it incapable of contributing to insight and wisdom. Similar views continued to dominate academic thinking into the Renaissance period of 16th and 17th centuries of Europe. Descartes (1595-1650) argued that an emotion is one type of passion, where the passions are distinguished from clear cognition, and render judgment confused and obscure (1649/1989). Kant (1724-1804) further reinforced the distinction between reason on the one hand, and emotions, moods and desires, which he termed the inclinations, on the other. He dismissed the inclinations as inessential to reason at best and intrusive and disruptive at worst (1793/1953). Later however, philosophers belonging to the Romantic movement of Europes late 18th and early 19th century began to argue that logic alone could not deliver the breadth of insights that were possible when empathy and emotion-guided intuition were incorporated into their thinking (Solomon, 2000). This shift in thinking is often attributed to the philosophy of David Hume. Hume (1739/1948) argued that reason was in essence a tool of emotion. In his view, the sole function of reason was to interpret the world in terms of facts in order to form inferences useful in achieving the agendas set by emotion. Empirical evidence as to the functional purpose of emotion was only establishedShow MoreRelated Emotional intelligence: The rapprochement of reason and emotion5515 Words  | 23 Pagesdecades have seen increasing interest in emotion research. Although much remains to be learned, agreement is beginning to emerge regarding the way emotion should be viewed. Emotions provide a unique source of information for individuals about their environment, which informs and shapes their thoughts, actions, and subsequent feelings, and there is a growing view that emotion information can be used more or less intelligently. A notion central to emotional intelligence theory is that individuals differ inRead More Fernando, 16, Finds a Sanctuary in Crime Essay3380 Words  | 14 Pagesthat risk for crime behavior is worsened by poverty and lack of positive influences like a loving father, good neighbors or a teacher willing to reach out to the troubled child. (Barnet Barnet,1998). A stable social en vironment gives the child the emotional security he requires, especially when he begins to explore his world (Lederer, 2010). Fernando lacked a stable social upbringing and received an early exposure to violence through physical abuse from his father and witnessing events like uncle hittingRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words  | 319 Pagespolitical, and religious resistance to colonial hegemony cannot be underestimated. What we discover in this book is that there is nothing absurd or farfetched or insane about Rastafarianism. Its formation is part of the genius of an anticolonial intelligence married to a strong nationalist sensibility. What is clear is that Rastafarianism is one of the most complex and insightful reactions to colonialism and the oppression of blacks that has emerged in the last hundred years. Rastafari: From Outcasts
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
African American History and Women Timeline 1700-1799
[Previous] [Next] Women and African American History: 1700-1799 1702 New York passed a law prohibiting public gatherings by three or more enslaved Africans, prohibiting testimony in court by enslaved Africans against white colonists, and prohibiting trade with enslaved Africans. 1705 Virginia Slave Codes of 1705 were enacted by the House of Burgesses in the Colony of Virginia. These laws more clearly delineated differences in rights for indentured servants (from Europe) and slaves of color. The latter included enslaved Africans and Native Americans sold to colonists by other Native Americans. The codes specifically legalized the trade in enslaved people and established rights of ownership as property rights. The codes also prohibited the Africans, even if free, from striking white people or owning any weapons. Many historians agree that this was a response to events, including Bacons Rebellion, where white and black servants had united. 1711 A Pennsylvania law outlawing slavery was overturned by Britains Queen Anne.New York City opened a public slave market on Wall Street. 1712 New York responded to a slave revolt that year by passing legislation targeting black and Native Americans. The legislation authorized punishment by slave owners and authorized the death penalty for enslaved Africans convicted of murder, rape, arson or assault. Freeing those enslaved was made more difficult by requiring a significant payment to the government and an annuity to the one freed. 1721 The colony of South Carolina limited the right of voting to free white Christian men. 1725 Pennsylvania passed An Act for the Better Regulating of Negroes in this Province, providing more property rights to owners, limiting contact and freedom of Free Negroes and Mulattoes, and requiring a payment to the government if a slave were freed. 1735 South Carolina laws required freed slaves to leave the colony within three months or return to enslavement. 1738 Fugitive slaves establish a permanent settlement at Gracia Real de Santa Teresa de Mose, Florida. 1739 A few white citizens in Georgia petition the governor to end bringing Africans to the colony, calling enslavement a moral wrong. 1741 After trials for conspiracy to burn down New York City, 13 African American men were burned at the stake, 17 African American men were hanged, and two white men and two white women were hanged. South Carolina passed more restrictive slave laws, permitting the killing of rebellious slaves by their owners, banning the teaching of reading and writing to enslaved people and prohibiting enslaved people from earning money or gathering in groups. 1746 Lucy Terry wrote Bars Fight, the first known poem by an African American. It was not published until after Phillis Wheatleys poems were, passed down orally until 1855. The poem was about an Indian raid on Terrys Massachusetts town. 1753 or 1754 Phillis Wheatley born (enslaved African, poet, first published African American writer). 1762 Virginias new voting law specifies that only white men may vote. 1773 Phillis Wheatleys book of poems, Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral, was published in Boston and then in England, making her the first published African American writer, and the second book by a woman to be published in the land which was about to become the United States. 1777 Vermont, establishing itself as a free republic, outlawed slavery in its constitution, allowing indentured servitude bound by their own consent. Its this provision that grounds the claim of Vermont to be the first state in the United States to outlaw slavery. 1780 - 1781 Massachusetts, the first New England colony to legally establish slave ownership, found in a series of court cases that slavery was effectively abolished African American men (but not women) had the right to vote. Freedom came, in fact, more slowly, including some enslaved Africans becoming indentured. By 1790, the federal census showed no slaves in Massachusetts. 1784 †¢ (December 5) Phillis Wheatley died (poet, enslaved African; first published African American writer) 1787 Thomas Jeffersons daughter, Mary, joins him in Paris, with Sally Hemings, likely his wifes enslaved half-sister, accompanying Mary to Paris 1791 Vermont was admitted to the Union as a state, preserving a slavery ban in its constitution. 1792 Sarah Moore Grimke born (abolitionist, womens rights proponent) 1793 (January 3) Lucretia Mott born (Quaker abolitionist and womens rights advocate) 1795 (October 5, 1795) Sally Hemings gives birth to daughter, Harriet, who dies in 1797. She will give birth to four or five more children, likely fathered by Thomas Jefferson. Another daughter, Harriet, born in 1801, will disappear into white society. about 1797 Sojourner Truth (Isabella Van Wagener) born an enslaved African (abolitionist, womens rights proponent, minister, lecturer) [Previous] [Next] [1492-1699] [1700-1799] [1800-1859] [1860-1869] [1870-1899] [1900-1919] [1920-1929] [1930-1939] [1940-1949] [1950-1959] [1960-1969] [1970-1979] [1980-1989] [1990-1999] [2000-]
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Electronic Theft A Victim s Credit Score And Peace Of...
Therefore, when someone uses your personal information to obtain identification, credit or even a mortgage, you become a victim of identity theft. This crime is devastating to a victim’s credit score and peace of mind. Illinois ranked fifth among states in the number of identity complaints reported to the Consumer Sentinel, a database developed and maintained by the Federal Trade Commission. Identity theft involves a thief, a victim, law enforcement, and identity theft affidavit that will help you report the information. All crimes such as rape and auto theft have some sort of safeguard in place to prevent them from happening. There are safeguards in place to prevent this are safety cameras, difficult passwords, witnesses, verification methods, locked accounts, and signatures. Avoid commonly used numbers such as your birthdate or spouse birthdate when creating social media or accessing an ATM. Another safeguard exists is when filing annual tax returns the extra security features. To better protect you from identity thieves, some states will be trying new approaches. Some states may ask for additional identification information, such as your driver’s license number, when you are preparing your state tax return. This will be another layer of protection because identity thieves may already have your name and Social Security number, but perhaps not your driver’s license number. Our goal is to verify your identity and the validity of your return before the return is acceptedShow MoreRelatedAccounting Information System Chapter 1137115 Words  | 549 Pagesthe planning process. 1.7 Apply the value chain concept to SS. Explain how it would perform the various primary and support activities. The value chain classifies business activities into two categories: primary and support. The five primary activities at SS: a. Inbound logistics includes all processes involved in ordering, receiving, and temporarily storing merchandise that is going to be sold to SS customers. b. 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Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesFull-Service Project Management: Christian Holdener, S4Carlisle Publishing Services Composition: S4Carlisle Publishing Services Printer/Binder: Courier/Kendallville Cover Printer: Courier/Kendalville Text Font: 10.5/12 ITC New Baskerville Std Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on the appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall. All rightsRead MoreBhopal Gas Disaster84210 Words  | 337 Pagesfrom Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL s) pesticide plant in Bhopal. The gas leak triggered a disaster that is now widely recognized as the world worst industrial catastrophe. Thousands of people were killed instantly and more than 25,000 people have died of gas-related illnesses, several thousands more maimed for life since. 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This translated to negative integrity and reputation on the part of corporate identity as people perceived this as exploitation and greed for profitability and wealth maximization within a decaying economy of NigeriaRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 Pagesmoney From multiple study paths, to self-assessment, to a wealth of interactive visual and audio resources, WileyPLUS gives you everything you need to personalize the teaching and learning experience.  » F i n d o u t h ow t o M A K E I T YO U R S  » ALL THE HELP, RESOURCES, AND PERSONAL SUPPORT YOU AND YOUR STUDENTS NEED! 2-Minute Tutorials and all of the resources you your students need to get started Student support from an experiencedRead MoreGp Essay Mainpoints24643 Words  | 99 PagesNew York Times invited experts to do a state-by-state analysis presenting results in a full-page spread, culminating in a detailed map showing states Democrats were likely to win) †¢ Anonymity: given free rein to publish any thought that comes to mind †¢ E.g. For every worthwhile video present on the site (think Annie Leonard’s â€Å"The Story of Stuff†) there are a multitude of videos featuring otherwise inane and banal individuals indulgently banging away at their pianos or doing less-than-funnyRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesPeter Adas for the American Historical Association. p. cm.â€â€(Critical perspectives on the past) Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 978-1-4399-0269-1 (cloth : alk. paper)â€â€ISBN 978-1-4399-0270-7 (paper : alk. paper)â€â€ISBN 978-1-4399-0271-4 (electronic) 1. History, Modernâ€â€20th century. 2. Twentieth century. 3. Social historyâ€â€20th century. 4. World politicsâ€â€20th century. I. Adas, Michael, 1943– II. American Historical Association. D421.E77 2010 909.82â€â€dc22 2009052961 The paper used in thisRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words  | 1351 Pagesto be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the
Swat Smuckers Free Essays
My objective for this case is to complete an external analysis for Smuckers, using the Porter 5-Forces Model and PEST Analysis. This will lead to a SWOT analysis. My first step is to determine the NAICS code. We will write a custom essay sample on Swat Smuckers or any similar topic only for you Order Now Using what I learned in the SLP, I will collect some supporting data on industry analysis of each of the 5 Forces in Porter’s Forces in Porter’s Model. I will also collect data to support an analysis of the 4 elements in the PEST analysis. PORTER’S 5 FORCES FOR SMUCKER’S Smucker’s company has the basic beliefs of the founder J. M.Smucker, who started the business selling apple butter in the late 18oo’s. They claim that he made a quality product, sold it at a fair price and followed sound policies. The Company did prosper so it must be true. As much I would like to believe it, I am not sure, but it is a good story. Quality is stated to apply to their product, manufacturing methods, marketing efforts, people and relationships with each other. They also state that they offer the highest quality products in each market they produce and look for daily improvements that will make the company better.The growth and business successes have been built on the foundation of quality, and quality comes first, according to (http://www. smuckers. com/family_company/join_our_company/our_basic_beliefs. aspx). The Smucker’s company NAICS code is 311421. Their Industry name is Companies in Fruit and Vegetable Canning (http://business. highbeam. com/company-profiles/info/1158512/simply-smucker-s-inc). I chose Smuckers Peanut Butter, which includes the Goober Peanut Butter and Jelly, Natural Peanut Butter, and Organic Peanut Butter. Smuckers has the supply power because it markets and manufactures its own fruits spreads and peanut butter.The Goober Peanut Butter Jelly all in one jar comes in grape or strawberry jelly. The natural Peanut Butter comes in bumpy or smooth, chunky or creamy. The Organic Peanut Butter is fresh roasted peanut flavor in two varieties (http://www. smuckers. com/products/category. aspx? groupId=2categoryId=11). Smucker’s has a variety of suppliers and a strict policy of buying supplies. This makes them very powerful in the fact that they can choose who they want to buy from and at a fair price. They also market and manufacture their own peanuts as well as the jam to produce their own product.The buying power in the Porter Five Forces for Smuckers is the public. Buyer Power: Here you ask yourself how easy it is for buyers to drive prices down. Well, Smuckers is a big company with a large customer base so it would be unlikely the buyer could drive the price down. The importance of each individual buyer of Smuckers Peanut Butter is vital to the continuing sale of the product. The cost to them of switching from your products and services to those of someone else is possible if the price is too high but Smuckers is competitive with other companies.The buyer could affect the peanut butter prices but Smuckers brand stays competitive with other brands (http://www. mindtools. com/pages/article/newTMC_08. htm). Competitive Rivalry: What is important here is that Peter Pan and Skippy are competing for the same market and these competitors offer equally attractive products and services, this give Smuckers little power over the situation. Except for a product called the Goober, the combination of peanut butter and jelly in a single jar. There is one competitor that is similar and that is sold by Kroger, called Yipes Stripes (http://en. ikipedia. org/wiki/Goober_(brand)). Threat of Substitution: Smuckers peanut butter products can be substituted by a soynut butter, if they have allergy or want a alternative can be affected by the ability of your customers to find a different way of doing what you do. If substitution is easy and substitution is viable, then this weakens Smuckers power to grow profit (http://www. soynutbutter. com/),(http://www. mindtools. com/pages/article/newTMC_08. htm). Threat of New Entry: Power is also affected by the ability of people to enter your market.With ConAgra, Kraft, and Best Foods with peanut butter brands already in the market, as well as specialty peanut butter brands. There are not a lot of brands of peanut butter in the market today; so, I believe that a new product could not compete with Smuckers at their level at first stages. Smuckers has a strong and durable brand name and can preserve a favorable position and take fair advantage of it (http://www. mindtools. com/pages/article/newTMC_08. htm). The PEST Analysis for Smuckers for the political section, I found that the ity of Orrville, Ohio and Smuckers come up with an agreement. Smuckers created 115 new jobs and the city granted them a 25% refundable credit of tax revenue for a term no more then 10 years (http://www. orrville. com/DEPT/SSD/Legislation09/3-09A. pdf). The economical development is relevant resource. The Smucker’s brothers took over the family business and made several large deals within that last 6 years. Now they are a billion dollar franchise. The peanut butter market is doing very well because of all of the other products and the support of all of them combined (J.M. Smucker Co 2009, The namesakes; Preserving an American icon). The Socio-Cultural is population and demographic relating to distribution of income and mobility and Smuckers has its two peanut butter brands Jiffy and Smuckers. They also have the Smuckers Natural and Reduced Fat brands. Customers relate to brand names and a good solid product. The distribution of Smuckers peanut butter is a wholesome product, even when the peanut butter recall in January 2009. Safeway, Meijer, H-E-B, Hy-Vee and Kroger issued recall on their private label peanut butter and J.M Smucker, the nations’ top maker of jams and jellies assured customers that none of its products are involved in the national recall. Smuckers Peanut Butter is safe to eat. (http://www. progressivegrocer. com/progressivegrocer/content_display/features/center-). Technological is the level of technological of economy and own industry and supplier and customer industries (http://www. themanager. org/models/pest_analysis. htm). Smuckers is a billion dollar industry that markets and manufactures most of its own ingredients. This is a way to safe money and controls the company the way they want to operate it.Smuckers technology allows them to create new products and remarket old ones. SUMMARY My objective for this case is to complete an external analysis for Smuckers, using the Porter 5-Forces Model and PEST Analysis. Smucker’s company has the basic beliefs of the founder J. M. Smucker, who started the business selling apple butter in the late 18oo’s. They claim that he made a quality product, sold it at a fair price and followed sound policies. The Smucker’s company NAICS code is 311421. Their Industry name is Companies in Fruit and Vegetable Canning How to cite Swat Smuckers, Papers
Marketing Analysis on Ventura Boats †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Marketing Analysis on Ventura Boats. Answer: Introduction Ventura Boats is a business that builds boats and is completely family-based. Since, 1961 it is situated in the Coffs harbor, in new south whales in Australia. The specialty of this organization is that it designs boats with traditional materials but focuses on high quality. However, it was successful until the domestic market in Australia started to shrink. Strengths Ventura sells their boats directly to their consumers, which is one of their strengths as this provides the company with a chance so that they can improve the relationship between their brand and the customers. It further helps in collecting the direct feedback of the customers as well (Bone 2017). Ventura boats have employees who have many years of experience and knowledge regarding boat building in Australia. Weaknesses Having no experience about the foreign markets Venturas traditional method of building its boats in this fast grow technological era is a very big weakness as they havent came up with any new model for many years and so its products are sinking in the Australian markets. Having obsolete boat producing technologies many of their boats can be confined by the Australian Government Legislation from using. They are unable to bring quick changes in their technology in spite of having skillful and experienced employees, which can actually stop their present products from becoming unlawful. Opportunities Increasing market growth in the foreign markets As the foreign governments places very less limitations on the utilization of traditional boats thus, their products can become lawful in the upcoming years (Terpstra, Foley and Sarathy 2012). The nations, which are transpiring with their developing economies, are producing the rich customers who can afford their passion for indulgence products. Threats With the passing time, there is an availability of substitutes in this business due to depreciation in the domestic market of Australia. More successful and updated companies of boat-builders are in search to buy small companies that can be their competitors just like Ventura so that they can grab their market share, dissolve their assets and finally close them completely. The employees are searching for better job opportunities because they are facing low morale due to the conditions inside Ventura boats. Thus, getting better job prospects they can leave Ventura boats. Threats and opportunity Analysis The opportunities that are discovered about Ventura Boats are that it has an increased growth of market in the foreign markets where the availability of trading partners is huge. However, as Ventura boats are the category leadership in this boat-building market is limited to Australia only thus, they are very inexperienced in the foreign markets. Moreover, the growth as well as the prospect in the foreign markets is vast. Another opportunity that came out clear was that unlike the Australian government legislations, the foreign governments apply very few limitations in utilizing traditional boats. Thus, from this it has been very clear that if Ventura reaches out to the foreign markets with their present products then they can definitely make their products lawful that are almost on the verge of becoming unlawful due to Venturas outdated technologies. However, economically developing countries like china, South East Asia, South Korea, Poland and Germany all have better opportunities for Ventura to export their traditional boats because here the consumers are mainly rich and can afford expensive products (Baldwin and Lopez?Gonzalez 2015). Ventura has few threats as well and the biggest of them are the emerging substitutes because the internal markets in Australia are sinking and thus, customers are switching on to the substitutes where they can get updated products in proper price range. Bigger companies are searching to take over smaller companies like Ventura so that they can close them fully by occupying their market shares. Larger companies have more recognition of their brands, significant Human Resources along with their economy scale. Therefore, for them it becomes very easy to take over small businesses and finish them. The largest threat is the de-motivated employees in Ventura due to their market conditions. Thus, their experiences and skillful employees are searching for better job offers, which is the biggest threat for any company. Thus, threat can in future cause low productivity, huge turnover and negative organizational. Recommendations Thus from the above weaknesses, threats and opportunities of Ventura boats the recommendations that can be suggested keeping in mind Ansoff matrix are as below- The first thing that they must focus on is to get them updated with technology. In todays era, technology is growing so fast that it is overtaking everyone under it. Thus, they must also include technology in their boat manufacturing techniques. This can not only help their market value from depreciating but also help their products from getting illegal by the Australian Government. Thus, product development is taking place that can satisfy the changing needs of the customers (Shaw 2012). Their approach must be quick so that it becomes a challenge for their employees to involve the flavor of technology to their business. This will also stop the employees who are searching for better job opportunities. The next work that they must do is to try their luck in foreign markets. China, South Korea, Germany are all having high opportunities for this type of businesses. They have high market values and they it can be a huge success for Ventura if they try out there. In foreign markets, they put fewer or no limitations for the use of traditional boats that can be another advantage. Thus, market development is taking place with new market segments with their own products (Proctor 2014). Apart from that, foreign countries, which are having rich customers, can also buy the traditionally designed boats of Ventura for fulfilling their boats. This will in a way help Ventura from completely fade away from the developing markets. Lastly, to overcome the threats of the substitutes Ventura must focus on their performance which is lacking. This is very much due to the de-motivated employees and their internal conditions. For the time being they must lower, the products price a bit to attract their customers and gain their support. Thus, the market penetration strategy will work here where the company can sell their already existing products and gain market shares (Zarzewska?Bielawska 2012). Thus, Ventura must pay more attention on their employees, start from zero, they must act carefully as fast as possible, people must be calm rather than being anxious and the employees must be aware of the true situation and get equal chance to turn around themselves for the betterment of the company. This will further help them in diversification where they can come up with new range of products with developing technology and motivated staffs (Hussain et al. 2013). Conclusion Thus from the above case analysis it can be concluded that to deal with the current conditions of Ventura boats the organization should quickly focus on upgrading their technology and try to make connections to foreign markets. Reference Baldwin, R. and Lopez?Gonzalez, J., 2015. Supply?chain Trade: A Portrait of Global Patterns and Several Testable Hypotheses.The World Economy,38(11), pp.1682-1721. Bone, J., 2017.The hard sell: an ethnographic study of the direct selling industry. Routledge. Hussain, S., Khattak, J., Rizwan, A. and Latif, M.A., 2013. ANSOFF matrix, environment, and growth-an interactive triangle.Management and Administrative Sciences Review,2(2), pp.196-206. Proctor, T., 2014.Strategic marketing: an introduction. Routledge. Shaw, E.H., 2012. Marketing strategy: From the origin of the concept to the development of a conceptual framework.Journal of Historical Research in Marketing,4(1), pp.30-55. Terpstra, V., Foley, J. and Sarathy, R., 2012.International marketing. Naper Press. Zarzewska?Bielawska, A., 2012. The strategic dilemmas of innovative enterprises: proposals for high?technology sectors.RD Management,42(4), pp.303-314.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Financial Management for Development Bank-
Question: Discuss about theFinancial Management for Development Bank of Singapore. Answer: Introduction The main purpose of this assignment is to analyse the dividend policy of a company. The company selected for this assignment is Development Bank of Singapore(DBS). The dividend policy was made famous since the introduction of the dividend irrelevance theory introduced by Modigliani and Miller. The bank is engaged in providing financial services to the public and has more than 280 branches in operations. The bank has its headquarter situated in Singapore and is considered to be one of the larger branches in Asia (DBS Bank | Singapore., 2018). As one of the most prominent banks in Singapore, DBS has lots of shareholders, which means managers must be keen of decisions in terms of how much dividend payout should be. Dividend Policy Normally in practice there are three methods which businesses uses for purpose of dividend computation which are discussed below: Constant Dividend Model: As per this model, the company offers dividends on a constant rate to the shareholders of the company every year (Hashemijoo, Mahdavi-Ardekani Younesi, 2012). This type of dividend model is rarely used in the modern times as the investors who invest in the companies also need growths in dividends. The advantages which are associated with the dividend model are discussed below: The payout of dividends is simple for the company and it only depends on the earnings of the company as the rate of dividend remains fixed Following this model, the company is able to send messages to the shareholders about the performance of the company. The disadvantages which are there for following this dividend model are given below: The dividends are fluctuating in nature and if such dividends are low then the it will not be pleasing the shareholders. There is no scope of growth under this dividend model. Constant Growth Model: As per this model, the company declares dividends every year and the rate of the dividend is on a growing trend (Kiechle Lampenius, 2012). The dividend offered by the company shows growth and the shareholders of the company enjoys increasing dividends per year. This type of dividends is most commonly offered to the investors of the company. The advantages which are associated with such a method of dividends are: The shareholders expectations are met with such type of dividends as they are growing and it satisfies the shareholders of the company. Attracts new potential investors in the company as the company is offering better amount of dividends. The disadvantages which are associated with the model is that: The dividend policy of the company is costly for the company and the company might not be able keep up with the expenses. The ability of the company make further investments might get hampered as major part of the profits are distributed as dividends under this model. Residual Income Approach: As per this model, the dividend which is allowed depends on the part of profit which is left with the business after preference payments and a part of the profit is retained for reinvestment (Van Binsbergen, Brandt Koijen, 2012). The various advantages which the model faces are given below: The model allows the company to distribute the remaining part of the dividends as profit. In other words, companies are allowed to invest in projects and they only need to pay dividends if a part of the profit remains. The model is quite simple and easy for the companies to follow. The disadvantages which are associated with this model are discussed below: The dividends payments do not follow a trend that is either increasing or decreasing and hence the payments are fluctuating which is not a reliant income source for the shareholders and they might get discouraged. The model also affects the share prices of the company and makes them fluctuating. As per MM model on Dividend Relevance theory, the dividends should be paid to the shareholders on the basis of residual income approach as the method will allow the business to have ample funds in order to invest in further projects. It also stated that the dividend policy of the business did not have any impact on the value of the firm. The dividends which are offered to the business are of important as this represent that the company is performing well and earning profit and the dividend is a part of such a profit which the company is distributing. In the case of DBS, the company is in the habit of following Constant Growth Model as the dividends which are announced by the company is on an increasing trend and the financial statements of the company also show that the company has proposed in 2017 a dividend of 60 cents per share and such represents 55% increase in the shares of the company (Deshmukh, Goel Howe, 2013). The company has also proposed a special dividend of 50 cents per share (DBS Bank | Singapore., 2018). This suggest that the company has been following constant growth model. The dividend rate of the company has increased from the previous year and moreover the financial statement clearly states that the dividend has increased by 55% from last years analysis. Forecasting Revenue The company has been performing well in terms of revenue generation and overall profitability. The financial statement of the company for the year 2017 clearly states that 2017 has been the breakthrough year for the bank in terms of digital banking operations and general practices (Blanchard Leigh, 2013). It is expected that 2018 will be even better as the company has made plans which if rightly implemented can produce favorable results for the banks. The bank has taken over the retail and wealth franchise of ANZ across five markets as stated in the financial statements. The focused areas of business for DBS in the year 2018 will be to further develop the digital and data analytics capability of the bank, continuing the good work which the company is doing in cash management of the company, build new sustainable SME business in growing markets which can contribute to the revenue of the company, ANZ business development which will be contributing to the profits of the company in 2018 . The business of ANZ will be providing the bank will additional revenue in 2018 which can be a significant amount in the development of the business. It is also expected that the business of ANZ will be contributing net profits for the banks in 2018 which will be more than what was initially expected from the business. The overall wealth of the bank has also increased by 25% in 2017 and it is expected to further rise in 2018 (DBS Bank | Singapore., 2018). The company has an annual net income of $ 11.9 billion which is expected to rise to about $ 15 billion in 2018. The total assets of the company are also expected to increase from last year figure which is $ 518 billion and will be increasing to about $ 570 billion in 2018. Moreover, the total numbers of employee which are working under the bank will also be increasing. There has been anticipated that the company will be attaining more growth in next year. Moreover, the business has also diversified in the field of insurance by ent ering into a partnership with Chubb, which is the global leaders in general insurance and reinsurance which will be effective from January and it is expected that this will also significantly help the business in terms of revenue generation. In addition to this the bank is planning to add Digi loans and Digi Bancassurance services in 2018 which will be contributing to the total revenue of the company significantly. Thus, from the above discussion it can be forecasted that the revenue of the company will be significantly more than 2017 and the business can expect an even better year coming ahead. Reflective Assessment The assignment which I was given related to analyzing the operations of the company which for me was Development Bank of Singapore. The assignment required me to operate in a group and complete it by assigning part of the assignment to different members of the group. As per the agreements my part of the assignment was Question 2 and Question 3 of the assignment. The first question required me to analyze the dividend policy of the company and also state what are the various other options or policies which can be used for dividends. A detailed analysis of the dividend policies which are mostly used by companies. I came across various dividend policies which and also understood the basic difference between them. Then by analyzing the financial report of DBS I understood that the company is following constant growth model as explained in question 1 above. The second question required me to analyze the financial statements of the company in order to understand the strategies which the com pany will be adopting for the next year which is 2018 for overall revenue generation. I had to forecast the revenue generation capability of the company and understand what are the various sources through which the company can generate more revenues for the business. For such information I had to collect data from various site and refer certain journals as well. From the assessment of the part which I was assigned taught me certain things about how to handle a group assignment. Firstly, the thing is that a student needs to be sure that he will be able to do justice on the part which he or she has taken and not affect the group assignment. My group members were very cooperative and provides me pointers about how to go about with the assignment. I also learned that in order to analyze a situation of a company, first of all one need to collect all the information which he has access to and then understand them in order to develop a effective result. Secondly it is necessary to have an understanding of financial reports and how to interpret the same both the financial and non-financial part of the report. In addition to this, I feel that in order to perform even better in my future assignments I need to ensure that my knowledge of accounting principles and concepts are clear which can help me with the analysis part of the assignment. In this ass ignment I have applied basic knowledge which I had gained through internet and various books and journals to which I had access. Another thing which I learned from this assignment is the essence of team work and also integrating the various parts which are done by different team members. In any future assignment which I get, I will make sure that mu knowledge of accounts is brushed up and my concepts are clear and effective choose a part where I might be able to perform well in terms of assignment. Reference Blanchard, O. J., Leigh, D. (2013). Growth forecast errors and fiscal multipliers.American Economic Review,103(3), 117-20. DBS Bank | Singapore. (2018) Retrieved 31 March 2018, from Deshmukh, S., Goel, A. M., Howe, K. M. (2013). CEO overconfidence and dividend policy.Journal of Financial Intermediation,22(3), 440-463. Hashemijoo, M., Mahdavi-Ardekani, A., Younesi, N. (2012). The impact of dividend policy on share price volatility in the Malaysian stock market. Kiechle, D., Lampenius, N. (2012). Inflation and the constant growth model: Reconciling the literature.Abacus,48(4), 518-538. Van Binsbergen, J., Brandt, M., Koijen, R. (2012). On the timing and pricing of dividends.American Economic Review,102(4), 1596-1618.
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