Saturday, August 24, 2019

Identify the behaviors associated with listening, hearing, and Essay

Identify the behaviors associated with listening, hearing, and non-listening - Essay Example The individual listening keeps on shifting the topic of conversation to them. It is a very narcissistic view to listening since the individual needs the conversation to be all centered on them. It is a self-centered form of ineffective listening. Selective Listening: This is the type of listening where an individual pays attention to only a portion or part of the conversation. Selective listening occurs as a result of people not being able to absorb everything that is being said by the speaker. Such individuals therefore use selective listening as a means to screen out parts of the conversation. It is an act that is synonymous skimming pages while reading. Defensive Listening: It occurs when a listener interprets an indirect attack by the speaker. For example, by telling someone that he or she looks like they have reduced in weight, the individual might think that you are suggesting that they were in the past looking fat. In the real sense, you didn’t intend to criticize them, you would merely have intended to complement the individual on the manner that they look at the moment than they did in the past. The listener thinks that the speaker focuses on criticizing them based on their past experience and reads every word that is said as an insult to them. Literal Listening: This involves listening that occurs only when the individual ignores or rejects the relationship level of meaning. The individual becomes insensitive to the feelings of the other person by listening

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