Thursday, August 22, 2019
Understand How to Safeguard Children Essay Example for Free
Understand How to Safeguard Children Essay Understanding how to safeguard the wellbeing of children and young people. 1. Understand the main legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding children and young people. 1. 1In englang and wales the polices and procedures for safeguarding and child protection in a setting for children and young people are a result of legislation passed in parliament including: The children Act 1986 and the children Act 2004 (england and wales) Children Order 1995 (northern ireland) The children act 1986 and children order. The aim of these of acts was to simplify the laws that protect children and young people. They tell carers/people how to work together when child abuse is suspected. Working together to safeguard children (1999) This provides professionals in england and wales guildines to help them work with a child who is at risk of harm. Children act 2004 This act includes Assessment framework for agencies to help them identify childrens needs LSCB (local safeguarding childrens broad) this has the power to make sure that social services, education services, the nhs, the police and any other services work together to help protect vulnerable children Working together to safeguarding children 2006 This updates safeguarding and how agencies should work on thier own and together with other agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. Polices and procedures All settings that work with children and young children / people must: A arrangement to work with the LSCB A senior member of staff in charge of safeguarding arrangements An effective risk assesment to make sure that the safeguarding policy works CBR check on all adults who work with children to the age of 18. Contact information for parents or carers for all children under the age of 18. Up to date training for all staff on safeguarding. Policy for protection of children under the age of 18. 1. 2Safeguarding is about much more than just protecting children from direct abuse. People working in a enviroment with children and young people have a wider role to play than simply protecting from neglect and abuse. The staying safe action plan reconises important aspects in the wider view of safguarding these include: †¢Keeping children safe from accidents †¢Crime and bullying †¢Forces marriages †¢Missing children Actively promoting their welfare in a healthy and safe enviroment Child protection is action that is taken to protect children that are suffering or at risk of suffering from significant harm. 1. 3It is important for all persons that are working with or around children follow guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguard the welbeing of children and young people so they are able to identify if a child or young person is in risk of harm or ne ed because of the vulnerbility. The earlier a child at risk is detected the better the outcome. Before employing staff into a childcare setting they should be made aware of all the policie and procedures to give the a clear understanding of all aspects of safeguarding the children in there care these should inculde the following: Health and safety Child protection Outings Visitors to the setting Contact with children Risk assesments should be carried out on the setting requarly to make sure there are no safeguarding risks such as children leaving the setting unnoticed or someone entering the setting that as not been authorised to. There are many requirements for keeping children safe in there setting, all staff should under go training to be made aware so that can recognise signs of abuse and learn the correct way to deal with situations. It is important to make sure there is contact details for all parent/carers of children in the care of the setting. Also a senior member of staff that is trained to the correct level needed to take charge of all safeguarding requirements. All guidelines are set in place to help and improve the level of safeguarding and to make sure that services and agencies work together. 1. The local safeguarding childrens board call serious case reviews when it is belived that a child has died due to abuse or neglect. All the nesserary authoritys will be invovled such as childrens services, police, health and education professionals. When a serious case such a child or young person dieing due to neglect it is important for the local authorties to find the reason why it as happened and chec k that all the correct polices and procedures had taken place in the case and if it comes about that society has failed the causes and reasons for this happening need to be address and dealt with. Each service invovled should reveiw the way they are practicing to see if there is any changes that need to be made to prevent serious cases happening, The LSCB will also require a overveiw report to make inquiries and recommendations to each indulvidual service involved. It is important for any service that is dealing with children to imform and share information with the correct authority if they believe there is a chance they believe there could be a incident that could result in a child suffering abuse or even leading to a child dieing. It is important that the correct information is always shared with the nessercary person and good communication between all the local services invovled in the case and that events of the case and logged accuratley. 2. understanding the importance of working in partnership with other organisations to safeguard children and young people 2. 1It is important to safeguard children and young people as without this protection their future could be negatively affected. Their health and development could be affected as its possible they could withdraw from family and peers which would affect them emotionally and also developmentally fall behind with educational milestones (if school is missed). Children and young people need to be protected from neglect and abuse and have a safe environment in which to grown up in with parents, teachers and any other close adult being approachable and accessible if needed, when/if any problem or concerns were to arise. This is all crucial in a child’s upbringing as the care they receive through their childhood will contribute to the success of the child’s ability to reach their full potential into adulthood. 2. 2It is important to use a centred approach when safeguarding children. As this will give you the first hand opinion and facts from the child including feelings and wishes about their current situation and their future. This will make the organisations response more accurate and appropriate to meet the specific needs of the child or young person. It is important therefore to develop a trusting relationship with the child or young person as this will make it easier to discuss their wishes and concerns, which will give the professionals the opportunity to involve the child or young person where possible in decision making about current intervention if necessary and any future action, as ‘the unknown’ will be a worry to the child so hopefully making them aware step by step will make the process less worrying and give a more accurate result to the problem. 2. 3Partnership working is when all agencies or groups of individauls work together to insure the welfare of a child. Working together in partnership is important as the child or young person needs to be safeguarded in all areas and enviroments, it is also important that each party comunicates to the other to ensure the link of correct information is keep up to date to ensure the safety and protection of the child. The importance of partnership working runs through every aspect of safeguarding from goverment legislation to local working, many different agencies maybe be involved depending on the case some of these would be family, social worker, gp, health vistor and school staff. It is important for any party to inform the correct person if they have concerns about the welfare of any child as early intervention will give the 2. 4Roles and responsibililities of different organisations: Social services: Have statutory responsibilities to provide support to vulnerable children and families in need. This may be after a death or when families are finding everyday life difficult. Most social workers are employed by social services. Health Visitiors: Have a responsibility for the health of babies and young children under five. They provide support and guidance to the parents of young children and carry out assessments of a child’s development. General Practitioners (GP): GPs work in the community and are the gaetway to other health services. GPs are often the first people to identify possible abuse when a child attends surgery. Probation Services: Help and support people convicted of some offences to be rehabilitated into the community. They have a key role in monitoring the people convicted of offences against children and should ensure they do not pose a threat to local children. Police: The police are involved in criminal proceedings that may result from safeguarding issues. Child Psychology Services: These will often be needed to support children who have experienced abuse or harm. As all children should be in education or training between the ages of 5 and 18, schools and training organisations are also key to identifying and supporting children that are in need of help. All members of staff should be well trained in safeguarding and child protection. 3 Understand the importance of ensuring children and young people’s safety and protection in the work place . 1 As it can be difficult for many parents to leave their child, it is important that they are confident their child is in a safe environment with people who can be trusted and will see to their Childs needs and help them with their developments. It is also important that a child is made to feel safe and comfortable in a environment or setting in order for them to develop. A child needs to feel happy an d confident in the hands of their carers. 3. 2 Working in and open environment is one way of protecting children and young people as well as the adult caring for them. For example, a nursery that is open plan ensures that at no point will a adult and child be totally alone together. By talking and listening to a child you can learn a lot and May sometimes hear things that give you a reason to be concerned. Avoid agreeing to share a secret with a child when a safeguarding issue is involved. Any concerns over a child’s welfare must be reported and made a record of. When you are involved in the care of children or young people, you are in a position of trust. You have the authority over the children or a young person which gives you responsibility. All people in this position must have enhanced CRB checks. The position you are in tends to be respected and looked up to by many children and young people. Therefore, your own behaviour must be thought about carefully as you are setting an example to these people. Young children need physical contact but too much can quite easily be misunderstood. After a fall, a child may need that cuddle and reassurance to get them up and playing again but if viewed in the wrong way a job and reputation could be at stake. Performing intimate personal care for a child are part of everyday needs but they should never be performed in a room with the door closed or out of sight of other members of staff. This protects the child as well as yourself. Be taking photos or making video recordings can be a great way to let parents see the progression of their child but there are certain rules to followed to ensure the safety of the child -Photos and videos should only be made available to the parents and carers. -Consent forms should be signed and returned -Policies on parents taking photos should be checked . 3 If I feel a colleague is not following the correct safeguarding procedure or the I feel they are harming, abusing or bullying a child or young person in the setting I should immediately speak to my manager and ‘blow the whistle’ as the child at risk is the most important person. If there is any reason I cannot speak to my manager then the other options I have are: Contacting the local soci al services emergency desk Contacting the countries inspectorate Whistle blowing does take some courage as there is the fear of being harassed, bullied or even losing your job as a result. If you lose your job over this matter the UK Public Interest Disclosure Act (1998) offer legal protection. 3. 4 By fully understanding you’re setting policies and procedures at all times will ensure that you can protect yourself from accusations and suspicions. If at any time you are ever in doubt, you should check with your manager who will guide you. 4. Understand how to respond to evidence or concerns that a child or young person has been abused or harmed. 4. 1 There are many different types of abuse such as physical, emotional and sexual abuse also a child being neglected. Signs of physical abuse can be a child having fear of physical contact, flinching when being approached or touched, unexplained recurrent injuries or burns. Physical abuse can also make a child angry and aggresses to themselves and others. Many signs of physical abuse can be confused with every day knocks and bumps but are many signs to look for such as pinch marks on the ears, arms and thigh areas and burn marks. Signs of emotional abuse can be a child with low self-esteem that experiences fear with a new situation, delayed development and a child that is withdrawn and aggressive. Emotional abuse is when a child doesn’t receive love and attention and is put down by carer/parent so makes a child feel they are not good enough with can result in sudden behaviour changes. A child that is being neglected can fail to thrive as they may not be receiving the best care such as proper food, shelter or general care and protection. Coman signs of neglect are poor personal hygiene, a child be constantly drowsy or tired and looking under nourished and thin. A child or young person that is being sexual abuse will have a lack of trust or fear towards someone that know they may be scared or nervous around certain company. They may have a level of sexual knowledge that is not age appropriate. They may also be withdrawn and like to spend time alone rather than socialise with their peers. A physical sign can be continuous medical problems of itching soreness to their genital area. 4. 2 If a child or young person makes an allegation of abuse or harm you should try to have a witness if possible and if it’s ok with the child for someone else to listen. It is important to listen carefully and try not to display that you are shocked or horrified from what your hearing, you should let the child speak and try not o ask direct or leading questions as this could encourage the child to give false information. You should also praise the child and let them know it is the right thing to do and telling someone was right and the main point is to never promise to keep it a secret as this could cause the child further stress and trust issues. Once the child has told you the full story it should be passed over to t he correct person for further investigation. 4. 3 children and young people have the right to receive the best possible help they need to help express themselves fully and it should be explained to them what will happen next. They also have the right and decision not to undergo repeated examinations and questioning about there allegation. Although in some cases it is family members that the allegations are aim at they still have the right to be informed of what’s been said and have a say in the situation. The child has a right to be keep informed about any decisions that may affect there further and the concerns and views should be listen to. 5. Understand how to respond to evidence or concerns that a child or young person has been bullied 5. There are many different types of bully such as physical where a child may be involved in being kicked punched with violent threats this may make a child withdrawn and nervous and generally upset. Not all bulling involves being physically hurt it can be just as distressing for a child to be verbally bullied where they would experience name calling, insults and persistent teasing this can give a child low self-esteem and make them feel worthless and not good en ough. Bullying can also happen and not be received face to face and done though social networking sites and mobile phone. All these types of bullying can leave a child or young person feeling isolated with no one to talk to, in some extreme cases it can lead to depression and even attempted suicide. Bullying can also affect a child education as they may not be able to concentrate and have time of school due to being scared and worried of their bully 5. 2 If there are concerns of bullying in a setting between peers it should be dealt with effinctely to prevent the child or young person being bullied from further pain or distress, all the neseccery people should be involved such as staff members and the parents and family of both the children. All settings should have a anti bullying polices in place to prevent and help cases of bullying. All allegations of bullying should be recorded so it can be picked up if the is a recurrent problem involving the same individuals. The department for education is clear the no form of bullying should be tolerated and all allegations should be taken seriously. Bullying it not a healthy and normal part of growing up. 5. It take a child a lot of courage to confide in someone about being bullied so it is important to let them know that there allegation will be taken seriously and reassure them and their family that the information given will be handed to the right person authority and dealt with in the best possible way. Parents of children being bullied and children that are bullying others also struggle to come to terms with the news and need you full support and help to deal with the situation. You can also give the child details of websites and support line that will offer someone to talk to and extra support for them. 6. Understanding how to work with children and young people to support their safety and wellbeing. 6. 1 It is important for a child to be confidant and have high self-esteem in order for them to thieve and develop ways to boost child self-esteem is to give them lots of praise and encouragement to make them independent with opportunities and choices. Encouraging cooperation, respect and tolerance between children and setting them a positive example to follow and learn from. Teaching children to be assertive having their own needs meet but still respecting other feeling and need. 6. 2 It is important to support resilience in children and young people has it helps them deal with life’s ups and downs. It helps them deal with stressful situations and to cope with change and uncertainty. The more resilience a child or young person has the better they will deal with life as they grow and develop into adulthood. There are many factors that can positively affect Childs resilience: †¢Secure early attachments †¢Confidence of being loved by family and friends †¢Good sense of self identity †¢Confidence to try new things Children that do not tick all the factors may need more help to improve their resilience and boost their self-esteem. 6. 3 children and young people need to have strategy to protect them so they are able to access risks and enable them to make decisions about their own safety. There are many ways children can be supported to keep themselves safe. It is important that they are taught about dangers; such as using outdoor equipment that may have higher risks of danger and the dangers involved in substances. I feel it is also important that a child is made aware that not all adults are safe to approach and should be taught to beware of strangers. A child should never have to feel scared or uncomfortable about someone they are with or something being done to them. 6. everyone working with children needs to support them to help them keep safe and help to support their own well being this can be achieved by helping them to understand boundaries by reinforcing issues when they arise in a positive manner such as taking turns, no pushing, being patient, understanding some children take more time than others to complete tasks, everyone has their own individual ways of completing tasks, letting them resolve their own conflicts when possible. Promote positive relations hips whether child to child, child to adult, adult to adult or adult to child. Let them lead their own activity without guided instructions to let them see what needs to be done and how they can achieve this. We all learn by taking risks so when a child wants to take a risk, be there to help them and support them, whether it be physically (e. g. Supporting them whilst they go down a climbing frame backwards by being there ready to catch them if needed or adjust their positioning of arms or legs ect,) or verbally (encourage them that they can do it and offer them support in doing what they would like to achieve). Never let a child take a risk that could cause significant harm to themselves or others.
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